Hernia Sliding

Sliding Hernia: Understanding, Symptoms and Treatment

A sliding hernia is one of the types of abdominal hernia, which manifests itself in the protrusion of organs that are not completely covered by the peritoneum. In this article we will look at the main aspects of a sliding hernia, its symptoms and treatment methods.

What is a sliding hernia?

A sliding hernia occurs when organs, such as the ascending or descending colon, sometimes the cecum or bladder, protrude beyond their normal position into the abdominal cavity. Unlike other types of hernias, a sliding hernia may not have the hernial sac that usually surrounds the protruding organ.

Symptoms of a sliding hernia

Symptoms of a sliding hernia can vary depending on the position of the organ protruding outside the abdominal cavity. However, some common signs may include:

  1. A bulge or swelling in the abdominal area. This may be noticeable when the abdominal muscles are strained or strained.
  2. Pain or discomfort at the site of the hernia. This may be felt when moving or touching a protruding organ.
  3. Digestive disorders such as constipation or heartburn. A sliding hernia can put pressure on nearby organs and cause these symptoms.

It is important to note that a sliding hernia may have no symptoms and be discovered incidentally during medical examinations.

Treatment of sliding hernia

Treatment for a sliding hernia may include conservative methods and surgery. If there are no symptoms or if the hernia does not cause significant discomfort, your doctor may recommend monitoring and monitoring the condition. In such cases, the patient can be given recommendations to prevent exacerbations and improve quality of life.

However, in some cases surgery may be required. The decision about the need for surgery is made by the doctor based on the symptoms, size of the hernia and the presence of complications. The surgical procedure may involve returning the organs to their normal position and strengthening weak areas of the abdominal wall to prevent the bulge from recurring.


A sliding hernia is one of the types of abdominal hernia in which organs protrude beyond the abdominal cavity and are not completely covered by the peritoneum. It can present with a variety of symptoms, and treatment may include observation, conservative measures, or surgery. It is important to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and determine the best treatment approach. Early detection and prompt treatment of a sliding hernia can help prevent complications and improve the patient's quality of life.

A sliding hernia is a hernia of the abdomen in people that contains organs of various body systems that are not covered by the peritoneum on all sides: the ascending and descending region of the colon, sometimes also the cecum or bladder. Sometimes the hernial sac cannot be detected at all.

There are quite a lot of sliding type glands: they occupy from 2 to 46%