
Lip: description and functions

The lip is a part of the body that plays an important role not only in our physical appearance, but also in our speech, nutrition, and also in our sex life. In this article we will look at two different meanings of the word "lip" - labium and labrum.

The labium is the outer and inner pair of skin folds that surround the vulva in women. The larger outer pair of these folds is called the labia majora, and the smaller inner pair is called the labia minora. Both pairs of lips have important functions, such as protecting the vagina and clitoris from external influences, as well as participating in sexual stimulation.

In addition, the outer lips are an important element of female aesthetics, and many women turn to a plastic surgeon to correct their shape and size. Despite this, it should be remembered that each person is unique and beauty lies in diversity.

Labrum is another meaning of the word lip, which describes a lip-like formation, for example, around the edges of the visceral socket of the pelvic bone. The labrum performs the important function of stabilizing and supporting the joint and preventing its dislocation. Often the term is used to describe the spongy edge of a joint that can be subject to various injuries such as sprains and tears.

In conclusion, lips are important parts of our body that perform various functions in our life. Every person is unique and beauty comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. To maintain health and well-being, you should pay attention to your body and consult a doctor if you have any problems.

Lips are not only beautiful, but also vital. Lips are an important organ in our appearance and serve as protection against harmful external factors. What do lips protect from?

Lips provide us with protection for our teeth and gums. People without lips may face problems with tooth decay because the lips do not provide an insulating environment between the teeth and food. Additionally, people who have problems with their bite and balance may also experience difficulties related to dental problems. Therefore, it is important to maintain the health and shape of your lips.

Most people are accustomed to thinking that lips form the symmetry of the face, however, this is not entirely true. As a rule, faces are asymmetrical. For different people, the upper lip may be larger than the lower lip, and the opposite side on the side. Consequently, lips can vary not only in shape, but also in size. However, research shows that the size of the upper lip is larger than the lower lip (an alternative expression is “peck”).

In this article we will talk about lips, which help us protect our teeth and gums from bacteria that cause tooth decay. The barrier lips, which are a complex of anatomical structures, also play a major role in protection. If any of the components of this complex have features, then certain defects may occur. An example of various anomalies in the structure of the lips can be seen in the presented figures.

In modern anatomy, it is customary not to separate the reproductive systems of men and women. And for scientists, three parts of the human body are the same - the mouth, urethral and vaginal canals with folds at the entrance to each of them. Pronounced lips are present in the second place. Although in medicine such an anatomical feature is characterized by the term “labia”, people also refer to them as “sponges” (the second meaning) or “bubble” (the third). Based on this topic of the article, let's understand these three names.

So, we have found that the external features of the labia are of significant importance in determining them in both women and men. Let's talk about what kind of secretions mark this type of external organs