Are Mammograms a Thing of the Past? 3D Ultrasound Could Be the Answer:
A large amount of people would prefer to go through comfortable tests rather than radiation-heavy ones, and many studies have confirmed that ultrasound is comparable in accuracy and less traumatic than standard mammographic and ultrasound procedures. However, since there are several countries and organizations that are using and recommending ultrasound instead of mammography for neoplasms detection, the right-track is to research the reasons why mammography is generally used. At the end of the day, when it comes to minors aged below 18, ultrasound is preferred, but when it comes at adults - especially aged over 50 years - mammography remains much more reliable - however, due to cause factoriness and longer duration, the latter has received several criticisms recently. Either way, alternative approaches divergent in their operating methods are present and forthcoming. This allows healthcare professionals a variety of approaches and techniques that can be used for unambiguous and promising clinical outcomes. Therefore, mammography cannot be recommended enough, nor can ultrasound be entitled. However, both malign diseases merits and acknowledgement with a mechanism of integrated approaches in parallel with assessment is what we are in need of.