
Intoxication is a condition that occurs as a result of a toxic substance entering the human body. This could be alcohol, drugs, poisons of plant or animal origin, chemicals or heavy metals.

Manifestations of intoxication can be different and depend on the type of poison, quantity and method of administration. Common symptoms of intoxication are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, convulsions, impaired coordination of movements, impaired vision and hearing, and loss of consciousness.

Each type of toxic substance has its own characteristics of intoxication. For example, with alcohol intoxication, euphoria occurs, appetite increases, self-control decreases, and the potential for attention and reaction decreases. When poisoned by animal poisons, convulsions, paralysis, and cardiovascular disorders can occur. Intoxication with chemicals can cause burns, swelling of the respiratory tract, and disruption of the kidneys and liver.

Treatment of intoxication depends on the type of toxic substance and the degree of damage to the body. In some cases, immediate hospitalization and intensive care may be required. In case of alcohol intoxication, detoxification is carried out, in case of poisonous poisoning - neutralization of the poison, in case of poisoning with chemical substances - general treatment measures and removal of the substance from the body.

However, the best strategy is to prevent intoxication. It is necessary to monitor the quality of food products, use only recommended doses of medications, do not consume toxic substances, and do not abuse alcohol and drugs. If symptoms of intoxication occur, you should immediately seek medical help.

In conclusion, we can say that intoxication is a serious condition that can lead to serious consequences. It is important to take precautions and, if necessary, promptly seek medical help.

Intoxication: Poisoning as the first sign of trouble?

Often, drinking alcoholic beverages during the holidays is accompanied by poisoning - intoxication. Indeed, many people ignore their health and drink alcohol, not paying attention to all the consequences. After some time, alcohol is eliminated from the body along with metabolic products, and there are no longer toxins in the body. But what happens if alcohol is taken many times? Is it excreted and what toxins can accumulate in the body? Alcohol addiction and other health problems can result from long-term drinking. And such an attitude towards health can result in an intoxicating allergic reaction. And then a person will understand that “alcohol” kills him from the inside, and in the literal sense.

Intoxication of the body with alcohol is poisoning that occurs due to the ingestion of various types of toxic substances. This includes both alcohol and alcohol-containing products, such as perfumes, liquid for electronic cigarettes and even freshly squeezed juices in large volumes. As with any poisoning, intoxication can be caused by the penetration of toxic toxins into the human body or their overdose. In addition, there are many specific types of intoxication caused by the use of toxic compounds. Among them the most famous

Poisoning the body with a toxic substance is called intoxication. Intoxication can occur from the ingestion of poisons or substances that can cause poisoning even without entering the stomach. Examples include fumes of mercury, arsenic, carbon monoxide and other heavy metals, resins, organic and inorganic compounds, drugs and other toxic substances, plant poisons and chemical toxins.

Intoxication leads to disruption of the functioning of many body systems, causes disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and worsens human health. Consumption of certain foods or medications without following the dosage can also lead to intoxication and cause negative health effects.

At the first signs of intoxication, you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine what substance caused the poisoning.

The general symptoms of poisoning can be divided into two groups: irritation of the central nervous system and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. The former include weakness, drowsiness, depression, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The second includes thirst, dry mouth, stool disturbances, changes in the acidity of gastric juice and appetite.

If there are symptoms of intoxication, several actions should be taken immediately to alleviate the condition and save the life of the victim. First of all, do not leave the patient unobserved, remove clothes and shoes, and before taking any medications or liquids, be sure to make sure that there is no poison on them. It is also necessary to wash the affected skin areas.

Deterioration in a person’s well-being can be caused by intoxication - a state of poisoning that can cause death depending on the severity of the consequences. This term consists of two Latin words that can literally be translated as “poisoning.” Its value is determined by the type of toxins (poisonous substances) whose action leads to poisoning, and the possible result of this reaction. The term intoxication in medicine means: alcoholic beverages; drugs; heavy metals; chemicals (household, industrial); poisonous plants.