Is it possible to massage a herniated spine?

Intervertebral hernia is one of the most common back diseases, which is characterized by a ruptured intervertebral disc. As a result, a kind of protrusion is formed, leading to compression of the spinal cord, which leads to pain and disability.

Therapy for a herniated disc is a whole range of therapeutic measures, starting from a properly selected orthopedic mattress and ending with drug therapy. High-quality and complete sleep will greatly influence the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, it is very important to equip your sleeping area with an excellent orthopedic mattress made in Europe.

A special place is given to massage procedures. It is worth noting that the decision to perform a massage should be made by the attending physician. During the acute form of the disease, massage is contraindicated. Of course, it is impossible to completely cure an intervertebral hernia with massage alone. Massage procedures contribute to faster and more effective treatment of pathology, improving blood circulation, nourishing back tissue, and improving lymph outflow.

What types of massage are recommended for spinal hernia?

Doctors recommend performing the following types of massage:

  1. vacuum;
  2. classical;
  3. hydromassage.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum back massage

Vacuum massage for spinal hernia

The vacuum massage procedure is carried out using a special device (medical cups). The nozzle is installed in the painful area, a special pump creates negative pressure inside the can, due to which the aspirator nozzle is well fixed to the skin.

After the nozzle has been properly fixed, the specialist begins to slowly move the aspirator over the painful area. The movements and intensity of the exercise will depend on the nature of the disease. The main effect of the vacuum massage procedure is to enhance lymphatic drainage and improve blood circulation.

Classic massage

Classic massage

Classic massage for spinal hernia

The classic massage procedure consists of superficial and deeper strokes, rubbing, vibration and kneading. What effect should be expected from the massage procedure:

  1. tissue nutrition;
  2. improved blood circulation;
  3. relieving muscle tension;
  4. reduction of pain.

It is worth noting that putting any pressure on the hernia itself and the spinal area is strictly prohibited. The transition from one massage technique to another is carried out in a soft and relaxed manner. There should be no sudden or intense movements. For better gliding of your hands, you can use massage oils.


Spine hydromassage

Hydromassage for spinal hernia

The hydromassage procedure is considered one of the most effective methods for intervertebral hernia. Hydromassage can be called a soft vibration massage, since water helps relieve stress on the spine.

What effect should you expect from the water procedure:

  1. complete relaxation of the back muscles;
  2. improvement of blood circulation in tissues;
  3. better tissue nutrition;
  4. reduction of pain syndrome.
  5. reducing the load on the spinal discs.

The presented types of massage are effective not only for intervertebral hernia. If you lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, or suffer from back pain, you simply need a massage.