
Hypomania is mild mania. High spirits lead to a person's lack of judgment; his misbehavior is constrained by normal social norms. Sexual desire increases sharply; the patient's speech becomes fast and enthusiastic. A person at this time looks energetic, but is not persistent in his actions and is prone to irritability.

Deviations in behavior are not as pronounced as with mania. The patient may appear normal, and those who do not know him may even consider him a "person of character."

Treatment is based on the same principles as for mania. However, it can be more difficult, since you have to constantly warn the person against the infringement of his own interests, which may occur due to his ridiculous behavior.

Hypomania is a mild state of mania that is characterized by elevated mood, increased energy, rapid and animated speech, as well as some decrease in self-control and social norms of behavior. Unlike mania, hypomania can manifest itself in the form of immature behavior, but at the same time the person may appear quite adequate and normal.