Evil signs associated with appearance and complexion

When the appearance of a living person is the same as that of a dead person, but not due to insomnia, hunger or bowel movements, then this is not a good sign. The face, similar to the face of a dead man, and not the same as the faces of healthy people, is the face of a man with sunken eyes, a pointed nose, depressed and retracted temples. His ears are cold, his earlobes are turned up, the skin on his face is tense, his complexion is gray, black or blue, and it seems to be covered with dust; It’s especially bad when the dust looks like dust from torn cotton - this is a sign of imminent death. Know that when a healthy, rarely ill person gets sick, this portends danger.

If such a change did not occur due to illness, then the patient quickly, even after a day, returns to his natural state, but in another case, when the cause is illness, this is a bad sign, and the sick person does not so easily return to health. True, in the first case, when the appearance changes due to hunger, defecation, insomnia and the reasons mentioned along with this, this is also not at all good, but it is still safer.

If this happens in acute diseases, it is a bad sign and indicates that the disease will take over, but nevertheless it is safer than a change in appearance in acute diseases due to illness, and not due to the mentioned contributing circumstances. You should also be able to distinguish whether signs such as a sharpening of the nose and change in complexion have appeared due to a worsening of the disease, or whether these are not too dangerous consequences of insomnia and bowel movements. The same applies to the phenomena that we mention in the paragraph on the eyes; if they are caused by insomnia, then j,.is in the eyelids, drowsiness and a strong increase in heart rate, and is preceded by painful insomnia; if the cause is weakness, then it turns out that this is preceded by diarrhea, and excessive one at that. If the appearance changes as a result of fasting, then you see that this happens gradually, not immediately. The assumption that this was due to illness is strengthened by the absence of specified causes, the increasing severity of the fever and the sensation of something like sparks under the arm when touched.

If the face immediately turns yellow, this is a bad sign; sudden blackening of it is also a bad sign. The worst thing is when the face is black, and in most cases this is due to the dying of natural warmth; gray color follows it in terms of malignancy, and yellowing, although a bad sign, is still safer, for it sometimes occurs from heat and is not always caused by coldness. Often the face turns yellow from insomnia, hunger or pain, and then it is safe. If wrinkles appear on the forehead and nose, this is not a bad sign.