
Snoring is a common phenomenon that occurs during sleep. When snoring, the soft palate vibrates, which leads to the production of a characteristic sound. This sound can be quite loud and annoying to others, which can lead to problems in personal relationships and even insomnia.

Snoring can have a variety of causes, including respiratory disease, obesity, alcohol consumption, and decreased tone of the throat muscles. In many cases, snoring does not pose a serious health threat, but if it becomes excessive or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as irregular breathing, it may be a sign of a more serious condition such as obstructive sleep apnea.

If snoring is interfering with your life, there are several things you can try to reduce or eliminate it. For example, lifestyle changes such as losing weight, stopping smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption can help reduce snoring. You can also try special exercises for the throat muscles, using special pillows or devices, such as nose clips or devices to expand the airways.

In more severe cases, where snoring is caused by a medical condition, more serious treatments such as surgery or special medical procedures may be required. In any case, it is important to see a doctor to get a correct diagnosis and determine the best treatment.

In conclusion, snoring can be quite annoying and unpleasant, which can lead to problems in your personal life and health. However, there are many ways that can help reduce or eliminate snoring, ranging from lifestyle changes to serious medical procedures. If you suffer from snoring, contact your doctor for more information and treatment recommendations.

Breathing with vibration of the soft palate

Snoring is a very common phenomenon. It is one of the natural physiological processes that are characteristic of humans. This phenomenon causes the effect not as a violation, but, on the contrary, as a natural state. Many people may not even be aware of their own snoring until they hear their own unusual sound from the outside. True, recent studies have shown that more than 80% of adults sleep in the supine position. It is in this position that breathing is performed actively and the muscles of the larynx are tensed. That is why, depending on the position of the neck muscles during sleep, blood circulation in the head is disrupted, blood pressure rises and noise from specific breathing or snoring appears. Thus, we can say that breathing with vibration of the soft palate occurs in most people and is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon only when its sound reaches not other people, but their ears and nose. The factor that provokes the appearance of such a sound is the structural features of the human body, in particular, the shape of the lips, the structure of the nasal septum and the structure of the mucous membranes. But still, the main provoking factor is the development of swelling of the soft tissues in the throat area. Usually

**Snoring** is an audible breathing noise that occurs in a person during sleep and is caused by a wave of positive intrapulmonary pressure that spreads from the lower parts of the lungs (through the nose) to the upper parts of the pharynx. They can be caused by air leaking through the relaxed muscles of the pharynx and soft palate and their vibration. The sound intensity can range from approximately 40 to 75 dB under normal conditions.

**According to international standards, snoring is characteristic of four diseases:**

* Respiratory disorder or moderate or severe sleep apnea syndrome * Cardiovascular pathology, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. * Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic obstructive bronchitis). * Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (alcohol overdose, severe head injury, deviated nasal septum, tumor, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils).

In a study of patients, a connection was found between the presence of “habitual snoring” and a decrease in the duration of the sleep stage. If snoring persisted in the future, the patient significantly decreased the duration of the longest stage -