Collagen sponge with sanguiritrin

Collagen sponge with sanviritrin is a medical product that is used for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases. This sponge is a specially processed collagen material that contains sanviritrin, an antimicrobial drug that has a wide spectrum of action.

Sangviritrin is a powerful antimicrobial drug that is produced from the bacteria Streptomyces sanguis. It is highly effective against many types of microorganisms, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi and viruses. Sangviritrin not only kills pathogens, but also promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers.

The collagen sponge on which sanguiritrin is applied has a high absorption capacity and is capable of retaining large amounts of liquid and microbes. This allows it to be used to clean and disinfect wounds, as well as to remove purulent plaque and other contaminants.

Collagen sponge with sanviritrin is widely used in medicine, including for the treatment of burns, wounds, ulcers, purulent skin infections, as well as for the prevention of infections after surgical interventions. It is convenient to use, as it has the shape of a regular sponge, which can be cut to the required size and applied to damaged skin.

Collagen sponge with sanviritrin is a safe and effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases. It does not cause side effects and can be used both in a hospital setting and at home. If you have skin problems, be sure to consult a doctor who will select the most appropriate treatment method.