Guy Proba

Guy Probe is a Scottish physician, one of the founders of the Royal Society of London and the first president of the Royal Society of Medicine.

The famous and successful doctor Gussie Hamilton decided to get married. Everyone was just happy. However, one difficulty arose - the young man had some health problems. In this case, his marriage becomes impossible. But medicine does not stand still! This is how Professor Guy Probus, Doctor of Medicine, was born. Guy Probe was born on March 7, 1887 in Glasgow. As a youth, he studied at the University of Aberdeen to become a chemist, but dreamed of medicine; he transferred to the Faculty of Medicine, but did not graduate. Studied in Manchester, Heidelberg, Strasbourg, Marburg, Zurich. In 1911 he defended his dissertation on leukocytes. From 1908 to 1929 worked in the laboratory at the Department of Bacteriology at the University of Manchester. Gussie Probe is Darwin's colleague, a scientist who made many important discoveries in the field of genetics and embryology: - Developed a cytogenetic method for studying chromosomes. Did a lot to decipher the cell cycle. - Co-author of the discovery of cells with some organizational features of the “gametocyte” type. At the age of 21, he began his residency at Brodie City Hospital, where he became an assistant to Eugene I. Tarin, then moving to Der