Gyrus Temporal Middle

And the temporal gyrus (medial temporal gyrus, olfactory sulcus, g. temporalis mediurn) is part of the temporal lobe of the brain. This temporal gyrus is located between the temporal bones of the skull and has the shape of a ridge running from the posterior surface of the temple to the walls of the maxillary sinus. Its main function is to process olfactory information that comes to it from the nasal passages.

And the temporal medial gyrus is also involved in the formation of taste perception and regulation of emotions, therefore it plays an important role in human emotional reactions. If the temporal medial gyrus is damaged or destroyed, the sense of smell will be impaired, tastes will be distorted, and the person may become irritable and tearful.

This gyrus is also associated with the sleep process. Studies have shown that the average volume of the Temporal gyrus helps to more accurately analyze and predict in a dream, and also affects faster falling asleep. During meditation, the muscles surrounding this gyrus are also used. These muscles are involved in the process of regulating muscle tone in the brain and improve the quality of concentration and concentration.

Having realized all these functions, we understand why damage to the temporal gyrus can have such a serious impact on the general condition of the person in whom it dies. This indicates the importance of carefully studying the structure of the brain and the need for its timely restoration. A rehabilitation course can help with this, which includes both drug therapy and