Painful contracture

Painful contracture (syn. contracture dorsalgia) is a spastic or tonic painful limited pathological extensor reflex in the leg.

The development of painful contracture is usually associated with inflammation and/or pathological muscle tension (amyotrophic process) of the affected limb and affects passive and/or active (voluntary/involuntary) movement. The absence of full range and flexion/extension in this pathological condition indicates damage to both the nerve plexus and motor units.

Painful contracture is not characterized by the presence of a focus of inflammation. The disease can be localized in the area where the spinal cord connects to the back or the parasympathetic nervous system, in the area where reflexes are formed. The development of the distal type of pain contracture is observed against the background of a hyperactive state of the Meynert nucleus during the pathological process in the first neuronitis of the spinal nerves. Diagnosis of the disease should be based on assessing signs of damage to different motor areas of the brain.

Painful contracture is often associated with a change in the psychophysical perception of surrounding objects and ongoing events, which is the result of the patient’s psycho-emotional overstrain caused by the disease. The manifestation of symptoms has a certain time frame and becomes more obvious as complications from the lymphatic system progress. The main causes of the development of the pathological syndrome, in addition to hypothermia, physical overstrain and psychosomatics, include vascular disorders, inflammation of the spinal roots, various joint ailments, degeneration of peripheral nerve cells, and infectious diseases. Patients with painful contractions are usually advised to wear support braces and splints, massage, targeted physical therapy and the use of various additional devices. For example, pelvic floor muscle orthoses provide support for the lower extremities, preventing the development of contracture. To prevent contractures, it is recommended to systematically practice gymnastics (muscles, joints, breathing - a set of exercises should be selected individually. In case of inflammation of the joints and the development of contractures, anti-inflammatory drugs are used (ar