Haemophilus Influenzae

Haemophilus influenzae (Haemophilus influenzae; lat. H. influenzae, haemo - blood and Greek influenza - pour in, flow in) - see Pfeiffer's wand.

Haemophilus influenza is a strictly gram-negative liposomal or coccobacilli that does not form spores and is nonmotile. The taxonomy of Haemophilus pneumoniae is confirmed solely by molecular data. Morphological differences relate mainly to gram-negative properties. There are different types and subtypes: Haemophillus parainfluenzae type 1 (Pini; Pni1), Haemophilus pararnuenzae type II (Pn2), Рheuomophillus influenzaua type III (Hin3), Haemophylus parapluenzae type IV (Ppi4).

It has the following similarities with large bacteria: - immobile cell structure; - obligate intracellular parasitism (only in H. influenuae, cytotoxins were identified as a result of numerous molecular studies