Hair Ringed

Ring graying is a pathological condition that is accompanied by the appearance of ring-shaped areas in the hair, colored white. This condition is known as Anlia's hair loss and belongs to the group of gray hairs. This is the process of natural replacement of hair follicles as we age, but in some cases this replacement may not occur normally.

Ringed hair is one of the most common forms of baldness. Patients may notice the first signs of the disease at a young age. Women usually notice ring graying between the ages of 20 and 40, and men between 30 and 50 years. Unfortunately, this process often ends without treatment or after many years of deliberation.

One of the most common factors that contribute to the formation of ring bands in hair is heredity. Ring graying can also develop due to stress, fatigue, genetic disorders, endocrine disorders and other related factors.

The best way to diagnose ring graying is to visually examine the patient's hairline. Although a partial ring effect may occur when dyeing hair with a special composition, it cannot provide accurate information about the condition of the follicle and the maturity of the hair. To more accurately identify all the problems associated with this disease, the following diagnostic procedures are required: - Microscopic examination of the scalp and hair shaft; - Chemical analysis of scalp tissue; - Biopsy of the scalp. Upon receipt of test results, patients are selected for treatment. Ringed growth is possible if there are problems in the inner lining of the follicle; drugs for treatment are selected after clarifying the symptoms and causes of the disease.

Here is an article about Ring Hair:

Ringed hair (lat. Pila annulata) - hair that curls into a ring around the comb. In various areas it is interpreted ambiguously. Ancient doctors believed that this is hair that appears when a child is breastfed. It was believed that after giving birth and feeding a child, a woman must abstain from sexual activity for some time in order to restore her own hair. If smoking, working with toxic substances, or wearing a tightly constricting headdress have a negative effect on hair, it is believed that hair is formed as a result of a disruption in the blood supply to the skull.

According to other sources, ring hair appears in neuroses and some mental illnesses (for example, phobias