Birth fracture

A birth fracture is a pathological process that develops against the background of a difficult birth or complications after it. The function of the cervix is ​​interrupted, its muscle tissue sharply contracts, which can lead to bleeding and other serious complications. In the article we will analyze the causes and features of this pathology.

Causes of birth fracture This dangerous complication is often found in women who have had a difficult birth. The causes of injury can be different: * strong contractions; * incorrect position of the child; * weakness of generic forces; * overstretching of the cervix; * infection during childbirth; * rapid labor or early discharge of amniotic fluid. In addition, there are often cases when injuries occur due to the fault of obstetricians, and they will prescribe premature births that are dangerous for mother and child. Frequent causes of a birth fracture are a strong period of pushing, post-term pregnancy, as well as a significant increase in pushing during a headache.