Hallucinations Psychogenic Induced

Psychogenic hallucinations

Psychogenic induced hallucinations are hallucinations that occur under the influence of suggestion or self-hypnosis. They can be observed in mentally healthy people in a state of altered consciousness (hypnotic trance, meditation, etc.) or when an acute traumatic situation occurs.

The mechanism of occurrence of psychogenic induced hallucinations is associated with the influence of suggestion on a person’s imagination and thinking. Under the influence of verbal instructions or vivid visual images, the corresponding areas of the brain responsible for visual, auditory or other sensations are activated. This leads to hallucinations, although there is no real sensory stimulus.

Thus, psychogenic induced hallucinations are the result of the influence of psychological factors on a person’s consciousness and perception. They can be considered as one of the variants of normal mental activity, which does not indicate the presence of pathology. However, in some cases they may indicate increased suggestibility or a tendency towards personality dissociation.

Psychogenic hallucinations are called “sensations and perceptions that are absent in reality; painful sensations." They usually occur during intoxication, mental illness or various traumatic situations, fainting, flashes of light and/or noise. It can be triggered by a hot climate or long-term alcohol consumption. Sometimes the patient may hear the voices of other people or sounds that do not belong to real objects.

These hallucinatory phenomena are most pronounced in some patients: - very elderly people (decreased performance of the cerebral cortex); - those in delusional states (intensify “deceptions”); - survivors of violence (the sound of a gunshot; head injury).

Such patients are indicated for emergency care - a mandatory full examination and hospitalization. If the patient is at home, he needs to be examined by an experienced doctor - a neurologist or psychiatrist. You definitely need to take it with you