Hamamelis virginiana in cosmetics

Witch Hazel Extract Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Water

Witch hazel is a unique shrub with large leaves and bright unusual flowers that can reach up to 8 meters in height. It is decorated with fragrant yellow petals, which are curled into small buds. For the production of medicinal preparations and in cosmetology, leaves and fresh bark from stems or roots are used. The leaves contain 8% tannins, essential oils, gallic acid, glucose and a special group of substances - tannins, which provide an astringent and bactericidal effect.

Witch hazel extract tones the skin. It is a good moisturizer. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing, astringent and soothing effects. Tightens pores, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands; relieves skin irritation. Improves blood microcirculation and elasticity of capillary walls.

Application of witch hazel extract in cosmetology:

— Cleansing oily and combination skin. Witch hazel extract regulates the secretion of sebum, tightens pores, and refreshes the skin.

— Tone and strengthen aging skin. Witch hazel extract stimulates the outflow of fluid, reduces puffiness and lightens dark circles under the eyes. Tones the skin, softens it, reduces flaking. Improves complexion, helps reduce spider veins.

- For inflammation. Witch hazel extract has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound healing, astringent and soothing effects. Effective for acne, pustular rash of any origin, traumatic skin damage, dermatitis. Soothes and accelerates healing of the skin after sunburn, stimulates healing of cracks and scratches on the skin.

Holy Land preparations containing witch hazel extract:

Witch hazel extract can be found in medicines, cosmetics and even aromatic teas. And the interest arises, what is it?

The content of the article

Hamamelis virginiana (from the Latin Hamamélis virginiána) is a tall deciduous wild shrub or tree of the Hamamelis family. The growing habitat is the northern part of the USA and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus; the plant is cultivated in the subtropics. According to the botanical description, the leaves are asymmetrical, large-petiolate, dark green. The fragrant flowers are small, bright yellow and form bunched inflorescences. The fruit of the plant is a brown capsule with two dark seeds.

Witch hazel extract: properties and composition

In its chemical composition, witch hazel contains witch hazel glycoside, quercetin, free hyaluronic acid, flavonoids, tannins, tannins and essential oils. What properties does witch hazel extract have, and what does it do? Due to its composition, the plant has a considerable range of beneficial properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect: the plant has an antibacterial and antifungal effect;
  2. Wound healing and hemostatic effect: witch hazel extract serves as a barrier for the skin when exposed to UV rays, exhibits powerful antioxidant properties, stimulates the healing of burns and cracks in the skin, stops internal bleeding;
  3. Strengthening and tonic effect: witch hazel has a positive effect on blood vessels and veins, strengthening their walls; witch hazel extract helps eliminate dilated blood vessels on the face (rosacea), accelerates the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space;
  4. Cleansing effect: helps narrow pores, inhibits the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands, preventing the formation of blackheads and pimples;
  5. Rejuvenating effect: witch hazel extract has a softening effect on the skin, protects it from peeling, and gives it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Witch hazel extract: uses and contraindications

The extract of beneficial substances from witch hazel is used in traditional and folk medicine. Using the extract of this plant, medicines, medical wipes, creams and ointments, tinctures, medicinal teas, etc. are made.

Witch hazel extract in the form of suppositories eliminates venous congestion, which provokes hemorrhoids - varicose dilation of hemorrhoidal veins. Treatment with witch hazel extract for varicose veins of the lower extremities is also effective. Due to its composition, witch hazel extract has a beneficial effect on the veins; it is quite effective in preventing the expansion and deformation of veins, as it strengthens the venous walls, helps reduce the manifestation of edema syndrome, and eliminate the vascular pattern - telangiectasia. To get rid of all of the above manifestations of varicose veins at home, creams and ointments based on witch hazel are used for the veins on the legs. But there are times when you urgently need to restore a feeling of lightness to your legs. During long trips and air flights, NORMAVEN® foot spray will restore the lost feeling of comfort. It contains witch hazel extract and horse chestnut extract, which allows you to quickly relieve tired legs. How do the above components work? These two active beneficial substances interact and thereby instantly increase venous tone, improve blood microcirculation, and reduce capillary fragility.

Witch hazel extract in cosmetics

Witch hazel extract is widely used in cosmetology in the manufacture of various products for skin, hair and nails. It is used in cosmetics for its tonic, bactericidal and regenerating properties. Witch hazel perfectly moisturizes the skin, it improves the hydration of the stratum corneum, thereby allowing the skin to maintain softness and elasticity, prolonging youth. Witch hazel extract is valued and exhibits its properties not only in cosmetology for adult skin care. It is used in powders and anti-diaper rash creams for the skin of newborns.

Video: features of witch hazel virginiana (magic nut)

The VERTEX company is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in this video clip. Source - Greener - youtube channel about plants and caring for them

For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist.

Absolutely safe component when used as intended. Individual intolerance is possible.

Wild shrub plant. The bark, flowering branches, and leaves serve as raw materials for obtaining extracts in which gammamelitannin, a derivative of gallic acid and glucose, is present as the main component. Due to the high concentration of tannins, it has an astringent, tonic and antioxidant effect. Causes vasoconstriction and reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands. Widely used in creams, facial cleansing lotions, hair care products, especially for oily seborrhea.
Cosmetic Astringent; Skin-Conditioning Agent - Miscellaneous; HAIR CONDITIONING; SKIN CONDITIONING; SOOTHING