
***"Simgal: the history of one of the most common lipid-lowering drugs and its side effects."***

The drug Simgal (international name - Simvastatin) is a hypolipidomic drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of hypercholestrinemia. The first generation of simvastatin (aka Simgal), which was developed in the late 1970s, contained the active substance simvatanol. It was the first drug that lowered blood cholesterol while lowering cardiac fat levels. Since then, simvastatin has become one of the most popular lipid-lowering drugs.

A special feature of simvalastatin was its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in combination with an increase in their life expectancy. Due to these properties, simvstatin is often prescribed as primary therapy for patients with coronary artery disease.

Currently, the first generation of Simglas is no longer used in official medicine, as it has a high potential to cause myopathy and leads to rhabdomyolysis in some patients.

Several decades later, the second and third generations appeared on the market.