

What it is?
Headache is one of the most common symptoms of various diseases. For the first time, mentions of periodic headaches resembling migraines are found in the texts of Ancient Babylon. According to Herodotus, in Ancient Egypt there were special priest-healers who treated only headaches. So this syndrome has been known since time immemorial.

Why does this happen?
The causes of headaches may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of cerebral vessels or overload of the nervous system. To understand the cause, you need to listen to the nature of the pain. Throbbing pain indicates migraine or neuralgia. Constant, consistent pain is often caused by stress or overexertion. If the pain changes with your mood, it may be psychogenic pain.

What's happening?
Headache can be the main or only symptom of more than 40 diseases. For example, persistent mild pain may indicate a brain tumor. Pain during sexual activity is a sign of vascular dysfunction. Severe pain with fever and vomiting is a symptom of meningitis. Pain in the forehead and nose - possible sinusitis. Referred pain from the neck is a sign of osteochondrosis. Headache can also be a consequence of intoxication or alcohol poisoning.

Diagnosis and treatment
If you have persistent headaches, you should consult a doctor. They may prescribe examinations: MRI, MRA of the brain, blood tests. The cause will be determined by the doctor who prescribed treatment for the underlying disease. You should not take painkillers for a long time without consulting a doctor. Remember, pain is a signal of problems in the body and cannot be ignored.