Heart Vector Frontal

Heart vector psychoanalysis. Today for me, as a practicing psychologist, the phrase “the therapist’s work begins not at the session or in the office, but outside it” is especially relevant. I believe that a therapist cannot work effectively, devoting himself exclusively to analyzing the session and building relationships with the client, if he does not try to understand himself, his strengths and weaknesses. He must be “closely” interested not only in psychotherapy, but also in living his life, building relationships, and engaging in personal therapy. Acceptance of myself and my style of therapy is based on the fundamental idea (in line with Karen Horney's idea of ​​the rationality of psychotherapy) that I can treat clients efficiently and responsibly, accepting or not accepting certain methods and techniques. I am responsible for the professional quality of my work and personal fulfillment, both of which are my professionalism and my success. As a professional, a therapist can consider his or her specific characteristics, explore his or her personal experiences, face ambiguities, dissatisfaction with himself or his position in the world, and still make a decision to engage in psychotherapy or leave it. It is this idea of ​​being congruent with my attitudes, aspirations or ambitions that makes me not make quick diagnostic decisions regarding a client: I must pay enough attention to each clinic, reflect on how important it is to accept or reject a particular person and take into account my own ambitions in accepting decisions about shared therapy time. Even if I desperately want to accept everyone regardless of their problem, should I also accept everyone regardless of my temporary disability or frustration? What kind of

The cardiac vector (CV) is the projection of the state vector (CV) onto the frontal plane.

The design method for solving problems is based on replacing a real problem with another problem in which the unknown becomes a parameter. As a result, solving the first problem is reduced to solving a system of equations composed of conditions and boundary conditions.

The heat balance equation has the form:

q = mcp(t-t0),

where q is the amount of heat received by the body, J; m—body weight, kg; cp—specific heat capacity, J/(kg*K); t—body temperature, K; t0 is the initial temperature, K.

The cardiac vector is a projection of the vector state onto the coordinate axis. It is a vector directed along the coordinate axis and having a length proportional to the value of the vector’s projection onto this axis.

Thus, the cardiac vector is an important characteristic of a system or object, and its use can help in the analysis and optimization of various processes and systems.