
Helminths are not only parasites, but also representatives of various types of worms. They can affect various organs and systems of the human body, causing serious diseases. In this article we will look at what helminths are, what types of worms belong to this class and how they can infect the human body.

Helminths are parasitic worms that can infect humans and animals. They belong to the class of roundworms (Nematoda) or flatworms (Platyhelminthes). All helminths have special organs for attachment to the host - suckers or hooks. They also have a digestive system that allows them to feed on the blood or tissues of their host.

There are many different types of helminths that can cause various diseases in humans. Some can be very dangerous, such as roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), which attack the human intestines and can cause serious health problems. Other types of helminths can attack a person's liver, lungs, or heart, causing a variety of symptoms and illnesses.

In order to prevent helminth infection, it is necessary to maintain good hygiene and personal hygiene. It is important to wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, and also to avoid contact with soil and sand, where helminth eggs may be found. Pets should also be dewormed regularly to prevent infestation.

Helminths are huge parasitic organisms that live inside the body of humans and animals. They can cause many diseases, such as enterobiasis, ascariasis, echinococcosis and others. In this article we will talk about helminths and how they affect our lives.

Helminths come in different shapes and sizes, but they are all parasites that live inside us. Some of them can be very small, such as nematodes or cestodes, while others can reach sizes of up to several meters, such as the widespread tapeworms. But they are all equally dangerous to our health.

Helminths can be present in the body of humans and animals, multiplying on it and affecting its internal organs. When they infect our body, we can suffer from many diseases. The most common of

Helminths (from Latin helminthes - 'worm', 'worm') are a class of round and flatworms. Among helminths there are species well known to humans that can live in humans and even cause diseases in general. Some worms live in humans, others freely walk through the air and people in search of food. Those that don't feed on blood are usually dead

Helminths is a term that describes a large number of different types of parasitic worms. Their main characteristic is that they cause diseases that affect the human body. In this article we will look at helminths, their types and methods of infection, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.