How to get rid of hanging papillomas?

The content of the article:
  1. What is hanging papilloma
  2. Main reasons
  3. What do acrochords look like?
  4. Treatment of hanging papillomas
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
  5. How to remove hanging papilloma

Hanging papillomas are soft, benign, flesh-colored neoplasms that appear on human skin as a result of infection with papillomavirus. Other names: filamentous or arachnoid warts, acrochords (from the Greek words “extreme”, “high” and “string”).

What is hanging papilloma?

The photo shows a hanging papilloma

Acrochords look like small spherical papillae, tuberous and heterogeneous in structure, ranging in size from 1 to 5 mm (rarely reaching 1 cm), attached to the skin by a thin thread-pedicle. They can grow singly, but more often in groups.

If you study photos of hanging papillomas, you can understand that such neoplasms are mainly localized in the neck, armpits and groin, on the back, on the chest or around the eyes, that is, in those areas of the epidermis where the skin is thin and delicate, with little fat. interlayer.

Hanging papillomas are not dangerous, they do not hurt or itch, but it is better to remove them, not only because of aesthetic discomfort, but also because they can degenerate into melanoma. Malignancy can be suspected if the acrochord darkens, grows, bleeds, or changes its shape.

This can happen if the growth is subjected to any damage, and hanging papillomas suffer more often than other types of skin formations: the thin leg can easily be caught and torn by jewelry or clothing, and the places where they are usually located only contribute to this. For example, acrochords on the neck are more exposed to the sun, and those in the armpits are often irritated mechanically and chemically (by exposure to sweat or deodorizing substances).

Important! Do not remove hanging papillomas without consulting a specialist; a dermatologist will tell you how to get rid of them in the best way in your particular case.

The main causes of filamentous warts

Hanging papillomas appear on the human body at any age. Infection with papillomavirus usually occurs in childhood, when hygiene standards are often neglected: by touching the carrier, by touching other people's personal hygiene items, by kissing. HPV can exist latently in the body for decades; the main condition for its activation is a decrease in immunity.

The main reasons why the virus that causes the formation of hanging papillomas is activated:

  1. Hormonal changes. The cause of the appearance of neoplasms can be changes in the body’s hormonal levels, for example, during pregnancy, age-related (teenagers, people over 40 years old) or associated with endocrine diseases. In adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, papillomas are usually single. But more often and in groups they grow on the epidermis after 40 years, which is why acrochords are sometimes called senile papillomas.
  2. Diseases. New growths on the skin also occur if the body is weakened by hypothermia, vitamin deficiency or the course of some disease - viral, chronic, oncological.
  3. Ultraviolet radiation. Frequent exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium can cause the appearance of hanging papillomas on the skin.
  4. Stressful situations. These include overwork, stress, and surgical interventions.
  5. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, the use of any narcotic substances can give rise to the formation of hanging papillomas on the body, as it reduces the body's resistance.

About 80% of people are carriers of the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are 5 genera, 27 species and more than 170 strains. The appearance of acrochords is caused by genotypes 3, 5, 8 and 9 with low oncogenicity. The most dangerous strains are 16 and 18.

What do acrochords or hanging papillomas look like?

Hanging papillomas appear as a result of HPV infection and a decrease in the body’s immunity caused by some provoking factor.

You can tell if you are infected by some signs of physical and psychological nature, such as increased fatigue, nervousness and irritability, frequent bad mood, weakness and drowsiness, problems with attention, muscle aches.

Indirect evidence activation of the papillomavirus, which leads to the formation of hanging papillomas, is considered to be dryness of the epidermis, which occurs due to the fact that the body takes strength and resources to fight the infection.

Filiform warts look like round, small, rough, uneven flesh-colored growths of a dense and elastic structure. Over time, they grow, elongate, increase in diameter, darken, and their attachment to the body with a thread-like stalk becomes clearly visible. There is no discomfort when pressing on a hanging papilloma; sharp pain occurs if you catch the leg of the neoplasm.

Please note! To successfully cure hanging papillomas and prevent the activation of HPV, you should support the body with immunostimulating drugs.

Features of the treatment of hanging papillomas

Filiform warts interfere with routine cosmetic procedures. They can be irritated and damaged by personal hygiene products, shaving accessories, clothing and jewelry, and long hair. Frequent injury is dangerous due to bacterial or fungal infection, and can also cause the formation to grow, so it is better to remove it. To get rid of hanging papillomas, you can use various medical and folk remedies and methods.

Cauterization of acrochords with medications

Spider warts disappear from the skin after treatment with the following medications:

  1. The drug Feresol. This drug contains phenol and tricresol; it is used to lubricate hanging papilloma for 10-60 minutes (depending on the size of the tumor). After 2 weeks, you can repeat the session, there can be no more than 5 in total. The price of Feresol in Russia is from 252 to 365 rubles, in Ukraine - from 17 to 25 hryvnia.
  2. Verrucacid. This is an analogue of Feresol, improved in composition. Available in 2 g bottles. The active ingredients are phenol and metacresol, biologically active natural compounds found in many plants. Apply with an applicator according to the instructions in several sessions (detailed instructions for using Verrucacid). In Russia, this product costs from 128 to 250 rubles, in Ukraine - from 185 to 340 hryvnia.
  3. Solcoderm. This preparation contains nitric, acetic, oxalic and lactic acid and copper nitrate trihydrate. Removal of hanging papillomas is also carried out in several sessions; 1 ampoule (0.2 ml) is enough for one. The cost of Solcoderm in Russia is 562 rubles, in Ukraine - 250 hryvnia. Read about the benefits of Solcoderm for papillomas.
  4. Super clean. Not related to the plant. A chemical preparation based on potassium and sodium alkali. Looks like a perfume sampler. Inside there is an applicator stick, with which 1 drop of the drug is applied to the papilloma once a day for 1-3 days. To avoid burning healthy skin, you need to lubricate it with a thick layer of zinc paste. After a week, the procedure can be repeated. The price of Supercleaner in Russia is 35-40 rubles, in Ukraine - from 7 to 22 hryvnia. Read reviews about using Supercleaner.
  5. Mountain celandine. Analogue of Supercleaner. A cosmetic liquid containing, in addition to potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide, celandine extract. The price of Mountain Celandine in Russia is 54 rubles, in Ukraine - 40 hryvnia.
Important! Careless use of the above drugs can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, especially if the tumors are located near the eyes. Before getting rid of hanging papillomas, consult with specialists and carry out the procedure with their help.

Folk remedies against hanging papillomas

For home removal of filamentous warts, juices of various plants, as well as active chemicals, such as acids, are usually used.

Here are several ways to remove hanging papillomas:

  1. Celandine. Every day for 7 days you need to burn the formation with celandine juice, which is released from a freshly picked plant stem, being careful not to touch healthy skin so as not to burn it. As an option, mix celandine juice with Vaseline (1:1).
  2. Garlic. Before removing hanging papilloma, chop a head of garlic and combine with butter (1:2). Apply the mixture to the papilloma and cover with a band-aid. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning with warm water and soap. After a month, the tumors should disappear.
  3. Castor oil. It is produced from the fruits of the castor bean plant. This is a mixture of glycerides of various acids - linoleic, ricinoleic, oleic, they are the ones that dissolve acrochords. Hanging papilloma should be lubricated with this oil in the morning, afternoon and evening for 5 days.
  4. Vinegar and flour. Mix vinegar with flour until a sticky dough forms and for 3-5 days apply a cake of it to the growth overnight, securing it with a band-aid.
  5. Aloe or Kalanchoe. Cut a leaf from the plant (the bush must be older than 5 years), cut it lengthwise and secure with a plaster a piece of the leaf with the flesh facing down towards the papilloma. Keep aloe for 4 hours, Kalanchoe - 2 times longer. Repeat 10 days in a row.
Please note! To strengthen the immune system and avoid the reappearance of hanging papillomas, take 100 ml of potato juice or tincture of rose hips or echinacea daily, you can also drink teas with the addition of herbal teas (1 option - nettle, plantain, horsetail, lemon balm, dandelion roots, 2 option - St. John's wort , calamus root, plantain, dill seeds, wormwood, clover flowers, tricolor violet).
  1. Read more recipes for folk remedies against papillomas on the face

How to remove a filamentous wart?

Modern cosmetology medicine offers quick and painless methods of getting rid of skin tumors. These include:

  1. Electrocoagulation. Removal of hanging papillomas with electric current is considered the simplest and most effective. The downside is a possible burn to the epidermis during removal and, if the growth was in a visible place, some aesthetic discomfort until the burn heals. Scarring and reappearance of the tumor are also possible. The price of the procedure in Russia is from 250 to 1000 rubles, in Ukraine - from 140 to 400 hryvnia.
  2. Cryodestruction. A common and effective method of combating hanging papillomas. Removal is carried out with liquid nitrogen. But when using cryotherapy, damage to a healthy area of ​​skin located next to the growth is possible, and the rehabilitation process is quite long, from a month to six months. The cost of cryodestruction in Russia is from 200 to 700 rubles, in Ukraine - from 80 to 350 hryvnia.
  3. Laser removal. The most modern and effective method, in which the neoplasm is first excised with a carbon dioxide laser beam, after which the vessels are sealed. The wound is treated with a special antiseptic. After a week everything heals without a trace. The price of the procedure in Russia is from 500 to 1500 rubles, in Ukraine - 300 to 1300 hryvnia.
  4. Radio wave method. Another name is tungsten filament. The procedure is effective and gentle, as it is carried out without contact. Removal of hanging papilloma occurs using a radio knife, the electrode of which is a thin tungsten thread. The tumor is excised using high-frequency radio waves. Coagulation of small vessels occurs, that is, bleeding is eliminated. Minor traces of the procedure disappear within a week. The cost of radio wave removal of a filamentous wart in Russia is from 200 to 1500 rubles, in Ukraine - 40 to 2000 hryvnia.
  5. Surgery. An old proven but painful method, which often requires anesthesia, requires a long post-operative rehabilitation period, and also carries the risk of leaving scars at the site of the procedure. It is recommended for the removal of large or degenerated into malignant tumors. The cost of such an operation is calculated individually for each case.
Please note! The price of the procedures is approximate; it depends on the size and number of growths and their location on the body. The cost of removing hanging papillomas can also be increased if a specialist prescribes any related tests. The exact amount will be known after an individual consultation.

How to remove hanging papillomas - watch the video:

The problem of skin growths is familiar to many. But before removing hanging papillomas, you should definitely consult a specialist. He will select the option that suits you either in cosmetology medicine or among traditional methods.