
Negativism is human behavior manifested in a tendency to confront and contradict other people. With active negativism, a person does the exact opposite of what he is asked to do (for example, squinting his eyes when he is asked to open them). This behavior is relatively rare in adults and is usually accompanied by other manifestations of catatonia. With passive negativism, a person’s sociability is significantly reduced (for example, he stops eating). This condition often occurs with schizophrenia and depression.

Negativity in psychology is behavior aimed at annoying, contradicting, and confronting other people or oneself. People who suffer from negativism are called negative tendencies.

Active negativists take for granted disobedience to instructions, although it can be said about them that they wish to obey the rules, strive to be obedient. They prevent other people from doing this in every possible way and refuse to help them achieve the same goals. Apathetic negativists stubbornly refuse to contribute to things and are stubborn even when necessary. From a position of accepting things, they are able to reach complete denial. The mood, as an emotional reaction, is expressed by ridicule or demonstrated submission, or is awarded a passive defeat, at first glance more “victorious” than any initial attempt.

Negativism can manifest itself as one of the manifestations of social passivity, a state of general apathy. In relation to oneself, such a reflex is most often referred to as vanity and is defined as an expression of one of the needs of “strength, some mighty power, often subconscious impulses that are in a state of uncertainty for the individual himself.” Negative affect can also be observed as a consequence mainly


Negativism is one of the main clinical manifestations of catatonic-hebephrenic syndrome, characterized by a pronounced negativistic attitude, combined with difficulties in the emergence of independent behavior. The negative attitude is particularly persistent and manifests itself in the form of active resistance to any verbal contact or resistance to special influences. Such negativism is expressed primarily in the motor sphere: patients do not perform any purposeful tasks, motor activity is minimal, but in a situation of conflict, irresistible aggression immediately appears, which is combined with unmotivated affective arousal. For negativism, they actively “ask” to use antisu

The concept of negativism Negativism is a type of mental disorder. Characterized by an unwillingness to obey or fulfill the requests of other people. This is a form of social communication in which a person’s ability to understand and accept the interests and opinions of others is impaired, that is, social competence. Negativists establish vague values ​​and resist any attempts to establish a clearer system of relationships between themselves and other people. They refuse to change their point of view and are not ready to accept another position.

People suffering from negativity disorder often exhibit abnormal behavior and tendencies towards hostility towards others, regardless of their age, gender, culture, social status or level of education. Negative behavior can also arise as a result of socio-cultural factors. Such factors include socioeconomic status, social environment, cultural customs and traditions. The impact of these forces sometimes leads to the formation of stereotypes of negative attitudes between different social groups, which are passed on from generation to generation. Those suffering from negative disorders in the process of communication experience strong negative emotions towards everything that goes beyond their usual ideas and attitudes, since their perception of the world around them differs from the perception of people with a positive worldview. As a result, people with negative worldviews are usually unable to achieve success and achieve mutual understanding with others (even their loved ones). They may have problems in their personal lives, relationships with others and with family due to severe emotional dishonesty. Different people are characterized by different manifestations of negativism: they can even become opponents of generally accepted values, moral norms of society and follow shocking fashion, putting into practice a negative attitude towards others. A person’s inability to tolerate his own dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with other people leads to the development of social irritability, an increase in negative emotions regarding the value system and ideas of the people around him. So, even if these people, seeing difficulties around them, try more to help and sacrifice themselves, they not only do not receive happiness from achievements, but even suffer more from excess responsibility, worries, stress, experiencing a strong desire to change the world around them in order to make it better. better. People with negative syndromes are unable to distance themselves from various disturbances in the natural course of life. All of them constantly strive to change other people's actions and opinions, without agreeing to compromise, since their sense of self-importance does not allow them to adequately perceive the possible negative consequences of their actions and opinions. On the contrary, the greater the scale of such phenomena and the more a person suffers, the sooner he needs some kind of symptom, perhaps reminiscent of bodily diseases, which would explain all his problems.

NEGATIVISM. This is a term that everyone understands, but does not use in real life, unlike many other specific words. Why is that?

**Negativism** is associated with concepts such as passivity, indifference, boredom, depression. You wouldn't say that someone is boring, would you? That he suffers from depression? Cliched phrases like “boring” or “uninteresting guy” will never work here, which is why we use the word “negativist”, thereby hiding the real essence of a person - his stupidity, short-sightedness, selfishness, laziness and indifference.

Negativism most often manifests itself in a combination of words such as “pessimistic person.” For example, if someone says to you: “Are you in a bad mood again?” and you object to him: “Yes! Damn, I won’t be positive just like that!” In the same spirit, you can say: “How tired of this world I am, is it really impossible to make it better?” or “People are the most disgusting thing that has ever been created in this world...” This is from the series described above.