Osm- (Osm-), Ocmo- (Osmo-) - a prefix meaning:
- Smell or smell.
The prefix osm- is used in words related to smell and smell. For example: osmometer - a device for measuring odor intensity; osmophore - the organ of smell; osmoscopy - examination of odors.
- Osmosis or osmotic pressure.
The prefix osmo- indicates the relationship to the process of osmosis and osmotic pressure. Osmosis is the diffusion of a solvent through a semi-permeable membrane. For example: osmometer - a device for measuring the osmotic pressure of solutions; osmophilic - capable of osmosis; osmoregulation - regulation of osmotic pressure in the body.
Thus, the prefixes osm- and osmo- indicate, respectively, a connection with the words smell and odor or osmosis and osmotic pressure.
In modern biology and chemistry, the prefix “Osm” has gained wide popularity. And it is used to refer to various biological terms related to health. Thus, the words “osmotest” and “osmograph”, upon closer examination, turn out to be exactly the same. This is a clear example of how the prefix “Osm” works, which gives completely different meanings to two completely identical words.
In medicine and pharmacology, the suffix “Osm” means “smell.” The olfactory part of the sense organ in this case will be called osma. It sounds unusual, but it’s worth remembering: if the word ends with “-osme”, then we are talking about physiological processes
Osm- is a prefix that refers to odor or smell in chemical and biological terms. It is used in sciences such as chemistry, pharmacology, biology and medicine to refer to molecules that are involved in the act of smell.
Osmo- is a short way of referring to the same phenomenon - smell or smell. Osmo- is used in many languages, including Russian. In some cases, osmo- can also mean something that has to do with solutions or processes involving solvents. Osm / Osma In entomology, "Osm", according to Valery Rubinatin, is also the name of the oral organ of some species of centipedes. Osm means: "Orbitopicus mutilans". This is "Anechura mutilatum", although without the oral apparatus (relative to the oral apparatus -