About moisturizing, drying and spoiling the figure

There are many moisturizing factors. These include rest, sleep, retention of what is erupted, eruption of drying juice, abundant nutrition, moisturizing food and moisturizing medicines, contact with moisturizing substances, especially in the bath, and especially after eating, contact with what cools and retains moisture , contact with something that causes slight heat and causes moisture to flow, as well as moderate joy.

There are also a lot of drying ones. These are, for example, movement, insomnia, frequent bowel movements, this does not include sexual intercourse, poor nutrition and dry food, drying medications, all kinds of excessive mental movements, constant change of mental movements, contact with drying things. This includes bathing in astringent water and this also includes freezing cold, which prevents the organ from attracting food to itself, and also compresses and produces a blockage that prevents the passage of food. Drying effects include contact with something very hot, causing excessive dissolution, and even frequent bathing in a bathhouse.

The causes that spoil the figure include the causes that arise during the first formation of the fetus, as a result of which the formative or changing force 6 located in the seed was unable to complete its work to the end, the causes that arise during separation from the uterus, and the causes that occur , when babies are swaddled and held for the first time. There are also external causes that are outside, such as a fall or a blow, and causes associated with the desire to move before the members become stronger and stronger. There are also painful causes, originating from, for example, leprosy, consumption, spasms, laxity, tamaddud. Damage to the figure sometimes occurs from excessive fullness, and sometimes from excessive thinness, sometimes it is due to tumors, sometimes from positional diseases, sometimes from poor healing of ulcers.