
Helminthiasis is a disease caused by the invasion of parasitic worms (helminths) into the human body. Helminths can enter the body through the skin, digestive tract or respiratory tract.

There are many types of helminths that can cause helminthiasis in humans. Some of these include roundworms such as roundworms and trichinella, as well as flatworms such as worms and tapeworms. Helminthiasis can manifest itself with various symptoms, depending on the type of helminth and its location in the body.

One of the most common symptoms of helminth infections is abdominal pain, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, irritability, weight loss and allergic reactions.

Various methods can be used to diagnose helminth infections, such as stool tests for helminth eggs, blood tests, ultrasound and endoscopy. Treatment for helminthiasis usually involves the use of anthelmintic drugs, which kill parasites and remove them from the body.

Prevention of helminthiases includes maintaining personal hygiene, especially before eating and after contact with soil or animals, drinking only clean water and prepared food, as well as disinfecting and treating food before consumption.

Heartworm infections can lead to serious health consequences, so it is important to know the symptoms and how to prevent this disease. If you suspect helminthiasis, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Helminthiasis is a disease that occurs as a result of the penetration of parasitic worms – helminths – into the body and their effect on various organs and systems.

These diseases lead to serious consequences for human health, including allergic reactions, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract and other complications. Statistics show that more than 700 million people are infected with helminthiasis in the world.

Diseases are common in countries with a low standard of living, as well as during wars and epidemics of infectious diseases. For example, cholecystitis is caused by hookworms, anisakids infect the liver, intestines and lungs, tapeworms are often found in dogs, birds and rodents, trichocephalus eggs are found in cat feces and can be found in the ground. Toxocara, cat and human roundworm eggs can be found on the fur of pets.

Helminths are parasitic worms that have a head and a tail end of varying length and shape. Helminths belong to

Helminthiasis is a group of parasitic diseases caused by pathogenic larvae and eggs of parasitic worms or helminths that live in the human body. In most cases, helminth damage leads to serious consequences, such as an allergic, toxic and infectious process. The life cycle of a helminth consists of several stages of development, starting from the egg to the adult stage of the parasite. Symptoms can be varied, from allergies to pain and irritation of various organs, as well as disruption of the digestive, excretory, nervous systems, bones and other organs. Helminths can also transmit pathogenic bacteria, which increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes. For diagnosis, it is important to conduct a complete examination