
Deviation is a deviation from normal behavior that goes beyond what is accepted by the majority of members of a given society; the term is especially often used in relation to (though not exclusively in relation to) sexual behavior (see also sexual perversion).

Deviant behavior can manifest itself in different forms - from minor violations of social norms to serious crimes. Most often, deviance is understood as behavior that diverges from the moral or legal norms of society.

Sociologists and criminologists identify different types of deviant behavior - crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, suicide and others. Deviation can be either individual or group.

The reasons for deviant behavior may be related to the characteristics of the individual’s socialization, mental disorders, socio-economic factors, and others. To prevent deviations, timely prevention and correction are important.

Deviating behavior is one of the most common forms of deviant behavior. Deviant behavior is any violation of social norms. It can manifest itself in various forms, including deviations from generally accepted norms of behavior. The term "deviation" is in many cases used as a synonym for the concept of "perverted behavior." Deviations can manifest themselves in different ways: drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, fights and murders. However, this behavior is justified by taking the form of culture: “our whole life has passed through the prism of the circus,” for example, the famous hero of the 90s - Bachinsky and Stillavin.

A criminal whose goal is to get money steals millions, but does not consider this a deviation. But if we are talking about

Deviation (from the English deviance) is behavior that goes beyond the limits of what is socially acceptable or expected. It can manifest itself in different areas of life, including sexual behavior. Although the term deviance can be used to describe behavior that is considered abnormal or incorrect, it is important to understand that any behavior is normal if it conforms to the expectations and rules of the culture in which it occurs. Therefore, instead of using the terms normal and abnormal, we can talk about behavior that is socially perceived or perceived positively or negatively. In this article we will look at the basic concepts and concepts associated with deviance in a social context, as well as the causes and consequences of this phenomenon.

The basic definition of deviation is that