
Hemiglossplegia is paralysis of the muscles of the palate. Following the depressor anguli oris muscles, the affected sides become paralyzed. In some cases, only the soft palate is paralyzed; in others, the soft and hard palates are paralyzed. The paralyzer stops working and loses its functions while trying to adapt to this state when the sky moves back around the room. Hemi is incomplete, half, only half (translated from Greek) (hemi-). Glossoplegia - paralysis of the tongue. Glossoplegic means paralyzed (in Greek -glossos).

Hemi is incompleteness, half - just half, (translated into Russian). This two-symbolism helps to call the state of paralysis in the sky incomplete, that is, Hemiglosia

Clinical manifestations. Most often, hemigletsia occurs in people over 50 years of age. The disease develops due to damage to the part of the brain stem included in the zone of innervation of the jugular nerve. Speaking in medical terms, the lower part of the medulla oblongata (includes the centers of swallowing and respiratory muscles), the motor-type nuclei of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (responsible for voluntary movement of the eye) are affected. Tissues are affected by tumor processes, multiple sclerosis, and inflammation of the meninges. The pathology is expressed by the appearance of a mouth gap when trying to pronounce sounds with full volume. That is, a patient who has lost it partially loses the ability to clearly pronounce words. But the mouth remains slightly open, and a slight bluish tint to the skin around it may appear. Often, against the background of a cough, the patient smiles, trying to pronounce sounds. This is due to disruption of the facial nerves. Symptoms are manifested by a decrease in general activity, periodic trembling of the limbs, and increased fatigue of the body. Swallowing disorders, convulsive tremors of the body muscles, and movement coordination disorders are possible. It manifests itself as a decrease in sensitivity, muscle paralysis, and a change in the color of the skin to a healthy appearance. The disease progresses

Hemiglossuplegia – acute cerebrovascular accident

**Hemiglossysplegia** (from the Greek hemiglocos - “half of the tongue”, plegie - “paralysis”) is an acute organic lesion of **cranial nerves IX, X and XII pairs**, responsible for the innervation of the tongue from the center to its root, which leads to a weakening of the bilateral motor function of the tongue and, in some cases, to its paralysis.

The main cause of hemiglossiaplegia is a vascular disorder in the upper brain stem in people over 60 years of age. The disease can also develop against the background of endocrine disorders, infectious processes, intoxication, trauma, hypoxia of various etiologies, diseases accompanied by a critical decrease in blood pressure.


In case of disturbances of cerebral blood flow, the following manifestations are noted: - deviation of the tongue to the side; - its partial or complete omission; - retraction of part of the root of the tongue; - distortion of articulation of sounds; - change in voice, most often - slow pronunciation of words or quietly (voice hypotonia); - numbness in the tongue and in the posterior third of the lower jaw (sometimes in half of the face, or in the chin, or in the teeth of both jaws);

- lack of pharyngeal reflex - saliva when swallowing. Proteinuria associated with the breakdown of renal tubules is sometimes observed;


Therapy for hemigliussisplygia consists of a complex of drugs aimed at correcting muscle tone and correcting the functional activity of the nervous system. In addition, surgical treatment is also carried out if there is a need for surgical intervention.