
Hemocholicystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, accompanied by the formation of stones in it, the presence of blood in the cystic cavity and in the bile. Bile and bile produced by the liver are necessary for the breakdown of fats and other substances that do not dissolve, and also participate in digestion and bowel movements. Their deficiency or excess negatively affects health and performance. To avoid such problems, every person needs to know what the level of bilirubin should be and whether the liver is normal. When the organ fails to cope and the organ takes on excessive load, the gallbladder initially becomes inflamed and the capillaries disperse along it. Smooth muscle fibers are involved in inflammation, spasm appears, and normal outflow is disrupted. According to the results of the ultrasound, the size of the organ exceeds the norm, and taking into account some other symptoms, the diagnosis of “hemocholecyst” will definitely be confirmed. Hemolytic stones form very quickly. Most often they are formed from blood elements during long-term inflammatory processes in the body, especially during chronic diseases.