Delusional Ideas

Delusional ideas are fantasies that seem impossible, but nevertheless, they can come true. Such ideas may be based on unusual concepts or assumptions that may seem crazy at first, but if given time and energy, they can develop into something exciting.

There are several ways a person can come up with a delusional idea. One of them is to use your own experience and observations to find unusual relationships between phenomena or objects. For example, the idea that photons can have "feelings" and experience emotions may seem so ridiculous and outlandish that only the most inquisitive minds would be willing to consider it. However, if we look at this proposal from the other side, we can see that many quantum phenomena are already showing miracles and contradict our traditional ideas about matter and space.

Another way to search for a delusional idea is to study scientific theories and concepts behind real processes and phenomena. Thus, it can be assumed that the speed of light during electromagnetic waves may slightly exceed the speed of light discovered by Einstein, and at the same time, slow down processes in the microcosm. This could explain the numerous incomprehensible observations and unpredictable phenomena that arise when studying the microworld.