Herpangina (Herpangina)

Herpangina: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Herpangina is a viral infectious disease that develops suddenly in humans and is characterized by fever, blisters and ulcerations on the soft palate and tonsils. The illness usually lasts from 2 to 5 days and can cause significant discomfort in the patient.

With herpangina, small vesicles form on the lining of the mouth, which can become painful. Subsequently, the vesicles open, forming ulcers, which then heal without leaving scars. Herpangina often occurs in children aged 3 to 10 years, but can also occur in adults.

Herpangina symptoms may include:

  1. Fever
  2. A sore throat
  3. Pain when swallowing
  4. Headache
  5. Vomit
  6. Diarrhea

If you suspect herpangina, you should consult a doctor immediately. A doctor can make a diagnosis based on symptoms and examination of the oral area.

Treatment for herpangina usually involves treating symptoms such as sore throat and fever. Antiviral drugs and pain relievers may be used to reduce a sore throat and fever. The doctor may also prescribe rinsing the mouth with special solutions to relieve pain.

It is also important to maintain a proper diet and drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

To prevent the appearance of herpangina, it is necessary to follow certain preventive measures. It is important to maintain good personal hygiene, wash your hands frequently and avoid contact with sick people. It is also recommended to avoid contact with objects that may be contaminated with the virus.

Overall, herpangina is a disease that can be easily treated and prevented by following certain preventive measures. If you experience symptoms of herpangina, consult your doctor for qualified help.

Herpangina is an acute viral disease. Herpes virus type 7 causes herpangina or herpangina. Epidemiology. Distributed everywhere; people of all ages get sick. Hepatitis C, HIV, AIDS-associated herpes, especially in patients receiving treatment with immunosuppressants, are one of the provoking factors of severe disease. Clinical picture. The disease usually begins with fever and headache. At the same time, severe pain in the throat appears when swallowing and ulcers on the soft palate and tonsils caused by hemorrhage. Further swelling of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx develops,

Herpangina is an acute respiratory disease, which is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. During the incubation period, no symptoms other than fever are usually observed. On average, the incubation period is 4-5 days. The largest number of cases occur in children aged six months to four years. Often the disease occurs simultaneously in children of the same children's group. Vaccination often gives positive results, and it plays a leading role in the formation of immunity. The vaccine is effective against the “D” virus, which provokes herpetic lesions of the oropharyngeal organs in the throat. It is this type of virus that is the causative agent of herpangina. Its symptoms are similar in manifestations to ARVI, but the disease is much more severe, and recovery periods are lengthened by more than four times when compared with similar manifestations of a common acute respiratory disease. The causes of the disease are often acute respiratory viral infections in the legs, surgical interventions, and the use of immunosuppressants before or after surgery. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets through close contact with an infected person. Contact transmission of infection through common household items cannot be ruled out. Clinical symptoms develop after the incubation period and will depend on what type of pathogen has entered the patient’s body. There are no generally accepted classifications of herp sore throat, but in clinical practice it is customary to distinguish between typical and atypical forms. The latter tends to appear both in those who have previously had herp sore throat, and in those who have had the disease for the first time. Patients experience the following symptoms: pain in the mouth