Human bite by human

If the bite is severe, apply onion with salt and honey to the site for one day, and then treat with a black plaster made of fat, wax, olive oil and galbanum - this is the best medicinal bandage for a bite. Pomegranates mixed with vinegar, onions and honey are also good.

Sometimes, when a person is bitten by a person, especially if the person bitten has fasted or eaten grains prone to rotting, and especially lentils, bad phenomena occur. Then you need to wipe the bitten area with olive oil and apply a bandage of fennel root with honey or bean flour with water and vinegar, and change the bandage all the time. Also helpful are incense powder with wine and olive oil, or veal bones, which are burned until they turn white and mixed with honey, or salt ground with honey, or myrrh with turpentine gum. Sometimes burnt dill is placed in the wound, filled with it and bandaged, and also smeared with cabbage ash.