Substances that improve complexion, giving it shine, blush and light gloss

Know that whenever blood and pneuma are directed to the skin, it gives it shine, purity and blush. Substances that induce a slight shine, make the skin thinner and slightly separate what dies on its surface help, while protecting yourself from heat, cold and wind.

Substances that direct blood to the skin do this in four ways. One of them is blood formation, especially

blood is liquid, for good blood, arising, multiplying and spreading, moisturizes, and the other is the purification of the blood. Another method is sending and distributing blood by directing it outward and opening the passages, and finally, forcibly drawing blood from the inside to the outside.

Remedies that improve complexion in the first way are, for example, taking chickpeas, soft-boiled eggs, meat juice and fragrant wine, as well as eating figs; it forms liquid blood that rushes to the skin and therefore makes it fat.

If a person who is recovering has a bad complexion and they want to return it to its previous color, then dry figs and unripe dates will be beneficial - both of them increase thin blood and innate warmth; one of the remedies tested for this is drinking wine and milk on an empty stomach for several days in a row.

Substances that produce such an effect by purification are, for example, atriful as-sagir and myrobalan jam, if you use it constantly, Kabul myrobalans are stronger than atriful.

Substances that act by accelerating and spreading the blood are, for example, asafoetida, pepper, syt, cloves, if they are found in food, or, for example, saffron, although saffron also colors the blood, especially in maybukhtaj they give up to a dirham per dose . Hyssop works the same way: take hyssop - two dirhams and saffron - half a dirham and drink it with sugar.

Calamus also improves the complexion, as does laba barbariya - from a dirham to two dirhams, if it is drunk in the markets, it is greatly diluted so that it does not cause a sharp glow. Among vegetables, radishes, dill, onions, and especially cabbage, if you eat it constantly, as well as garlic, work this way. Among activities and mental movements, anger, rage, disputes, moderate physical exercise and struggle work, as well as joy, fun, contemplation of pleasant actions and deeds, listening to good music, talking with subtle and witty people, watching various competitions, participating in bets on racing and cockfighting and other entertainment.

Remedies that do this by attracting blood from the outside and imparting gloss are mud cakes and washes made from hulled bean flour, barley flour, vetch flour, wheat flour, starch and especially chickpea flour, as well as lentil flour, rice flour , fish glue, orris root, incense, figs, kupdur incense, mastic and its oil, eggshells, shell meat, bdelium, lead litharge, white lead, ivory sawdust, decayed bones, Magaleb cherry. Madder also has a strong effect in this regard, as do sweet almonds, myrrh, cucumber seeds, melon seeds, quinoa seeds, pumpkin seeds, radish seed flour and indau seeds. Often the face becomes brighter and cleaner from daily smearing with starch and tragacanth with milk. Squeezed cannabura juice, yellow grass, fresh milk of various animals, a decoction of veal hooves boiled in water, a decoction of shell meat, egg whites, a decoction of fenugreek and a decoction of sweet clover also work.

Good wash. They take shelled fava beans, lenticular vetch, lupine, radish seeds, shelled melon seeds, chickpeas and starch and prepare a wash from this.

Good ointment. Take bean flour and barley flour - one part each, chickpea flour - one part, hulled lentils, tragacanth, starch - half a part each, melon seeds - two parts, saffron - enough to color, spread with this overnight, and during the day the ointment is washed off with a decoction of melon peels, a decoction of violets and similar decoctions.

Another ointment. Take equal parts of sweet almonds, tragacanth, gum, bean flour, orris root and fish glue, dissolve the glue in an amount of water sufficient for the entire composition, put medicines there and prepare an ointment.

Another ointment. Take bean and barley flour, chickpea flour and wheat flour and spread along with egg white. Among the products that strongly induce gloss are viper onion, onion, bavrak, azhgon with honey, usshak, chamomile oil, fresh maya strongly cleanses in the same way as cabbage, arsenic, lizard feces and narcissus root.

Strong ointment. Take yellow grass and cook until it thickens; this decoction thickens; take uqiya and mix it with it in the form of a porridge for ointment; the following substances are sparrow feces, lupine flour, chickpea flour and shelled melon seeds; they are first ground, then tied and spread with this ointment.

Another ointment. They take tragacanth, ground Syrian glass, saffron, lupine and cotton seed cores - each in a bowl and smear it with almond oil.

If you smear your face with white mustard or white arsenic or red arsenic or yellow arsenic with milk every night, and wash off the ointment the next morning, this will greatly redden your face. The named medicines, which give a strong shine, improve the complexion that occurs at the beginning of leprosy and is called mask-like, pimply and oily; if such medicines are applied, they eliminate this.

A special strong cleansing agent for this is also white wax, baarak, incense and yellow sulfur are taken equally, turned into cakes with vinegar, dried and used, if necessary, with vinegar and honey, bavrak foam is better for this than bavrak.

They also take a ritl of soap and the same amount of ushshak, dissolve it by dissolving it in three ritls of water, throw in incense, mastic and soda in equal quantities - seven ukiy in total, rub it all vigorously in a bottle and use it at night.

They also take equal parts of vetch flour, chickpea flour, fava beans, barley flour and lupine flour, as well as orris and narcissus root, and also gum and licorice root - half a part each and turn them into flat cakes.

Know that all the remedies that help against freckles, blemishes, spots and darkening of the blood are of even greater benefit in this case too, and a small amount of them is enough.