Heterotopia Passive

Passive heterotopia is a type of heterotopic automatism, in which a person is in a passive state, without controlling his actions. This condition can occur during certain mental disorders, hypnotic trance, during seances and other similar practices.

In a state of passive heterotopia, a person can perform various involuntary actions, for example, speak, write, draw, without realizing it. At the same time, his speech and actions seem to be controlled from the outside, reflecting the thoughts and will of other beings or forces. It is believed that at such moments a person acts as an intermediary or instrument through which otherworldly minds, the collective unconscious or other hidden factors can express themselves.

Thus, passive heterotopia is a special altered state of consciousness in which the will and personality of a person seem to be suspended, giving way to external influence. This is an interesting and mysterious phenomenon that has not been fully studied by modern science.