Hickman Catheter

A Hickman Catheter is a thin plastic tube that is inserted into one of the superficial veins in the neck to give repeated medications or take blood tests. The catheter is inserted several centimeters under the skin to prevent infection from entering the bloodstream.

The Hickman catheter is often used in patients who require long-term chemotherapy. It allows for repeated administration of chemotherapy drugs without damaging the peripheral veins. In addition, the catheter can be used to take blood tests without piercing a vein each time.

The Hickman catheter is inserted by a surgeon under local anesthesia. One end of the tube is brought out through a small incision in the skin, and the second is inserted into the central vein. This allows drugs to be administered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing peripheral veins.

Advantages of the Hickman catheter: the possibility of long-term vascular access, reduced risk of infection compared to conventional venous catheters, and comfort for the patient. The disadvantage is the need to follow the rules of care to avoid infectious complications.

A Hickman catheter is a thin plastic tube that is inserted into one of the superficial veins in the neck to repeatedly administer medications or draw blood. It is used to treat patients who are receiving long-term chemotherapy, as it helps prevent infection from entering the bloodstream.

The cannula is inserted several centimeters under the skin to prevent damage and provide safe access to the vein. Once the catheter is installed, it can be used to administer various drugs such as antibiotics, anticancer agents and other medications.

In addition, the Hickman catheter can also be used to take blood samples, which allows you to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and monitor changes in the patient's condition.

Although the Hickman catheter is an effective treatment method, it has its drawbacks, such as the risk of infections and complications associated with catheter placement. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consultation with a doctor.

Article on the topic "Hikiman Catheter"

Hikiman catheters are thin plastic medical devices that are used to repeatedly administer drugs or repeatedly draw blood from patients undergoing long-term chemotherapy or other treatments that carry a high risk of blood infection. These catheters are small lines of