Chemical skin burn treatment ointment

A burn is damage to skin tissue and mucous membranes that have been exposed to high temperatures or aggressive chemicals. According to WHO statistics, burns are considered the most common injury, and for this reason, every home medicine cabinet should contain special sprays or ointments that will be useful in combating the unpleasant consequences of a burn injury and its symptoms.

Pharmacological corporations present a huge selection of products for accelerated healing of burns, differing in price and effectiveness. Some ointments are suitable for treating thermal burns, others for chemical burns. Some drugs have several effects at once: they relieve pain, disinfect, relieve inflammation and regenerate damaged tissue. The main advantages of ointments for chemical burns include:

  1. Can be applied directly to damaged areas of the body.
  2. Minimal or no side effects.
  3. Possibility of combining several active substances at once.

List of the most famous ointments

  1. Panthenol ointment with the active ingredient dexpanthenol, which has a positive effect on burned areas of the skin, accelerating recovery and scarring of epithelial tissue in mild chemical burns. The therapeutic effect of the ointment is achieved by improving metabolic processes at the cellular level.

The advantage of Panthenol is the minimum number of contraindications (except for an allergic reaction) and the possibility of use by both pregnant women and children.

  1. Levomekol anti-burn ointment with an antiseptic effect, which successfully relieves inflammation and restores the skin. The active ingredients of the ointment are methyluracil and chloramphenicol.

The ointment is prescribed to victims of chemical burns whose wounds become infected or suppurate. A contraindication to application is individual intolerance.

  1. Rescuer is a well-known anti-burn balm, which consists entirely of natural ingredients: beeswax, echinacea extract, lavender, sea buckthorn and tea tree oils, milk lipids, vitamin E and turpentine. Thanks to this composition, the product has a restorative, softening and moisturizing effect, destroys bacteria, relieves pain and stimulates local immunity to protect the wound surface.

The lifesaver has long been in demand, as it manifests its effect in a short period of time, is approved for use in pediatrics and has only one contraindication - intolerance by the body.

  1. Bepanten is another ointment that is prepared on the basis of dexpanthenol. It is able to moisturize, restore and relieve inflammation from skin burned by chemicals. The drug is approved for use in the treatment of burns in young children and pregnant women (its components do not affect the condition of the fetus). Standard contraindications are personal intolerance to individual components contained in the composition.
  2. Solcoseryl is an ointment based on a protein-free extract taken from the blood of cattle. Due to this active substance, metabolism in the burn area improves and the regeneration of damaged tissue is accelerated.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment This is a liniment known to many people for a long time, used to treat many skin pathologies. It has a pronounced antiseptic and restorative effect. The preparation is based on natural birch tar, xeroform powder and castor oil, so it has a specific odor and viscous consistency.

This drug has no side effects or contraindications. Its application is contraindicated only in case of an allergic reaction to those components that are present in the composition, as well as in acute purulent processes on the skin.

  1. Methyluracil is an ointment that triggers intensive tissue regeneration processes at the cellular level. In addition, it stimulates the immune system and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect on burn-affected areas of the skin.

This ointment is highly effective, but at the same time it has a wide range of contraindications. Methyluracil is prohibited for use by patients with leukemia, bone marrow cancer and allergy sufferers.

  1. Ichthyol ointment is a cheap drug for the treatment of burns, which has an antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. A drug of this kind is undesirable for use by children under 12 years of age and people with a severe allergy to ichthyol.
  2. Dexpanthenol is a medicinal ointment against burns that improves recovery and metabolism processes at the cellular level. Application to affected areas relieves inflammation and numbs the wound.

The positive aspects of Dexpanthenol ointment are considered to be almost no contraindications, which are limited to allergies to components and side effects.

Treatment with ointments at home

In addition to drugs from the pharmacy, burns from chemicals or other thermal factors can be treated with ointments that are prepared at home.

  1. Universal anti-burn ointment

To prepare a universal remedy, you need to prepare sea buckthorn and St. John's wort oil, as well as one egg yolk. To prepare the product, simply mix these components and apply to the burn-affected areas of the body.

After application, a sterile, loose bandage is applied to the top, which should be changed every other day. According to people, using this remedy, improvements occur within 3-4 days.

To make the ointment, you need to beat a small piece of butter, penicillin, anesthetic and potato starch with a mixer or with your hands. The resulting homogeneous mass is applied in a thick layer to the affected area of ​​the body for about 30 minutes. When the ointment is absorbed, it is replaced with fresh one. Using this remedy, you can quickly numb the burn area and prevent the formation of rough scar tissue.

To make nut ointment you need to prepare walnuts and egg white. Nuts should be mashed to a paste and protein should be added to them. This ointment is applied to burned areas of the skin 3 times a day. This simple remedy is used for quick healing after chemical and any other types of burns.

Every family should have a first aid kit in their home. Some people develop it due to illnesses suffered by family members. Prudent people buy medicines according to the seasons - for colds, diarrhea, for the stomach. First aid kits in families with children are filled with children's medications.

Few people are ready for trouble. Few people know how and what can be done to alleviate the condition in the first minutes after a burn. According to statistics, thermal damage occurs most often in everyday life. You need to know the means that can be used to help the victim, and which ones should absolutely not be used so as not to cause harm.

List of ointments used for burns


A wide selection of drugs is offered by modern pharmacology. They are intended to provide emergency care, protect wounds from infection, cleanse and restore. It is worth paying attention to ointments that are recommended for the treatment of mild thermal injuries of soft tissue:

Preparations recommended after cauterization with chemical reagents:

Creams used for heat injuries:

Remedies for sun injuries:

For oily lesions use:

The list of funds is quite large. Pharmaceutical companies produce many effective drugs. Ointments produce the desired effect faster than tablets, which must dissolve in the blood before they begin to act.

Pain relieving ointments

The use of pain relievers depends on the level of severity and its source. You need to understand that in the first three degrees of damage, the pain especially torments the victim. Superficial burns provoke irritation of nerve endings, thereby causing physical pain. The following ointments are used to relieve it:

  1. "Panthenol". It is recommended for use in the form of a cream and spray, since, in addition to pain relief, the drug relieves inflammation and restores tissue.
  2. "Sulfargin". The product belongs to modern developments. Used as a component in pain-relieving compresses. Effective as an antimicrobial and regenerating substance.
  3. "Bepanten." Moisturizes, relieves pain, removes inflammation and stimulates regeneration.
  4. "Levomekol". Broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Actively protects against most microorganisms. Cellular nutrition is normalized. Stimulates tissue regeneration. Easy to apply and has the ability to penetrate quickly and deeply. Relieves inflammation and has a dehydrating effect.
  5. "Radevit." Reduces swelling, restores epithelium, contains a complex of vitamins.

First aid supplies

It is important to know two rules that can be considered basic. This is mandatory refrigeration and a ban on oil-containing substances. Use only ice wrapped in a sterile cloth and cold water. Thermal burns without open wounds can be treated with antiseptics.

If the damage is superficial, Panthenol is used. Can quickly relieve inflammation and pain. It is applied very thinly. There are no contraindications. At an early stage of damage, other means are used:

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the severity of tissue damage.

Drugs in the regeneration phase

In the case of a normal recovery process, granulation of the wound begins after seven days. The damaged area is filled with new maturing connective tissue, blood vessels and epithelial cells. During this period, the use of ointments with a high fat content is not recommended. For tissue healing at this stage, creams containing silver are needed. There are strict restrictions on the use of these drugs. Therapy should not be carried out longer than two weeks.

To avoid drying out and cracking of the epithelium, and also as antibacterial prophylaxis, the following are used:

"Dermazin" - Apply to the burn wound in the morning and evening. Removes necrotic manifestations. Active against all types of pathogens found in lesions of this type.

The following side effects have been noticed:

  1. the skin acquires a brownish tint;
  2. irritation;
  3. itching

"Agrosulfan" - Has bacteriostatic properties. Removes pain and burning. Able to prepare a wound for tissue transplantation. In some cases, it improves the condition of the affected skin to satisfactory. Eliminates the need for surgery.

  1. infants, less than two months;
  2. patients with liver dysfunction;
  3. during pregnancy.
  4. In rare cases, a rash on the skin may occur.

"Ebermin" — Can be used at any stage of the process. It has proven itself to be an effective remedy. Ensures rapid healing. Has a detrimental effect on fungi, harmful microorganisms, and dermatophytes. Eliminates the dehydrating effect, relieves pain.

  1. during pregnancy;
  2. infants under one year old.

Before use, it is recommended to treat the surface with an antiseptic.

  1. "Streptocinol";
  2. "Methyluracil";
  3. "Miramistin";
  4. "Nitacid";
  5. "Procelan."

At the stage of restoration of the epidermis, you need to use products that moisturize the surface and prevent the formation of scars.

Healing medicines

During regeneration, zinc-based ointments have a greater effect. For poor healing, the following medications are recommended:

  1. "Wundehil." Restores the epidermis. Relieves swelling and relieves pain from burns. Removes suppuration and promotes rapid tissue restoration. The product has no contraindications.
  2. "Timogen." Restores cellular metabolism. Stimulates healing even in immunodeficiency. The affected area should be left open during treatment.
  3. "Baneotsin". Antibacterial ointment for burns. Contains two antibiotics. The product prevents cracking of the new epidermis. Effectively protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. It has no contraindications.
  4. "Solcoseryl". Promotes smooth formation of new skin without scars. In gel form it cools the wound.
  5. "Algofin". Recommended for use at the stage of suppuration. Has cleansing and soothing properties. Restores the epidermis.

Any independent use of medications is prohibited. Before starting therapy, you should consult with your doctor regarding the compatibility of medications and home treatment methods.

Folk remedies

Important! Home treatment methods are used only as an aid during the healing stage. Under no circumstances should these methods be used immediately after receiving a burn.

A quick way to relieve pain is to grate a fresh tuber, cool, and apply to the affected area. The compress is tied with a bandage on top. When the potatoes have cooled, add new ones. The procedure is carried out up to 4 times.

Recipes with chicken eggs

  1. Damage without an open wound can be cured by mixing yolk, vegetable oil and sour cream. Apply the mixture in a thick layer. Change the bandage once a day. Use until complete recovery.
  2. The boiled yolk is kept over the fire. When burned, a fatty substance is released, which is collected in a spoon and applied to the burns.
  3. The protein is mixed with creamy margarine until smooth. Used on the affected area until complete healing.

Oil based recipes

  1. St. John's wort flowers are poured with any fat-containing liquid and left for 3 weeks in a dark place. For treatment, a bandage or napkin is moistened with infusion and applied to the burn. The compress is changed after six hours.
  2. Beat butter with eggs until smooth. The dressing is changed frequently.
  3. Vegetable fats are mixed with propolis and heated in a water bath until smooth (then cool). The compress is changed once a day.

The leaf of the plant is kneaded until the juice appears and applied to the burn. Replace the used flower with a fresh one every eight hours.

Any ointment for burns is aimed at accelerating the healing of injured skin. Therapeutic properties are determined by the biochemical composition of pharmaceutical products. Some have a bactericidal effect, others have an anti-inflammatory effect, and others have an anti-edematous effect. Ointments are used to treat 1st and 2nd degree burn wounds that are not accompanied by damage to the deep layers of the skin. Local therapy stimulates the regeneration of skin tissue, prevents complications - purulent inflammation, sepsis, bleeding, etc.

First aid

If you receive burns, you need to act quickly. To prevent further damage to your skin, you should:

  1. rinse the damaged areas with running cool water (at least 10 minutes);
  2. dry the skin with a clean towel or napkin;
  3. apply pain-relieving ointments (Sulfargin, Radevit);
  4. for rapid healing, treat the lesions with a regenerating agent (Solcoseryl, Levomekol);
  5. Apply a loose sterile bandage.

Ointments for burns are used for 3-5 days until complete recovery. For severe pain and burning, analgesics (Fastum gel, Ketonal) are used.

Features of treatment of different types of burns

Methods of burn treatment are determined by the causes of tissue injury. Depending on the provoking factors, the following types of burns are distinguished:

Treatment of first or second degree burn wounds is carried out outside the hospital with local drugs that have the following properties:

  1. antiseptic;
  2. bactericidal;
  3. decongestants (antiexudative);
  4. painkillers;
  5. anti-inflammatory;
  6. regenerating.

If only the epidermis is affected, you need to cool the damaged area with running water or a cold compress. In case of contact with a chemical reagent, rinse the skin for at least 10 minutes. Over the next 2-3 days, apply burn cream to the damaged area.

Burn disease is dangerous due to purulent complications. Therefore, after emergency care, a sterile bandage with antiseptic ointment (Sulfargin, Levomekol) is applied to the injured tissues. For severe pain, use either local or systemic analgesics based on Ibuprofen - Arofen, Ibunorm Baby, Affida Max, Ibutex, etc.

It is worth remembering that self-medication is strictly not recommended. Only a qualified doctor will be able to objectively assess the condition of the victim and prescribe treatment, taking into account the age and severity of the injury. The course of treatment is determined individually.

Starting from third degree burn wounds, surgical treatment is required. Such injuries are accompanied by damage to the deep layers of the dermis, which makes independent tissue regeneration no longer possible. Topical therapy is used only to speed up the shedding of dead skin.

15 most effective remedies for treating burns

When choosing an ointment in a pharmacy, you should consider several factors:

  1. therapeutic properties;
  2. possible side effects;
  3. contraindications.

The list of the best drugs includes products with combined pharmacological properties. The safest are ointments with herbal ingredients - extracts of chamomile, sage, peppermint, St. John's wort. Regular use of local medications accelerates healing and prevents purulent complications.

Inexpensive ointment after burns contains antimicrobial and antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) substances - chloramphenicol and methyluracil. Levomekol is advisable to use for superficial injuries, as it reduces the risk of bacterial inflammation.

Pharmacological properties of anti-burn ointment Levomekol:

  1. suppresses the growth of bacteria;
  2. stimulates trophism (nutrition) of the skin;
  3. increases local immunity;
  4. relieves inflammation;
  5. accelerates tissue healing.

An anti-inflammatory and bactericidal drug is included in the treatment of 2-3 degree burns. Its effectiveness does not decrease even when treating purulent lesions.

This is the best ointment for boiling water burns with blisters, which contains natural ingredients:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn extracts;
  2. lavender oil;
  3. tocopherol;
  4. echinacea extracts;
  5. milk fats;
  6. beeswax;
  7. tea tree oil.

The combined ointment provides a pronounced disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect. It is used to treat thermal and chemical burn wounds of 1-3 degrees. In pediatrics it is used with caution because it causes allergic reactions in children.

The anti-burn agent is intended for the treatment of superficial wounds in children and adults. Contains natural ingredients that have healing properties:

  1. licorice extract – relieves inflammation;
  2. nut oil – inhibits the proliferation of microbes;
  3. violet extract – relieves pain and inflammation;
  4. Avocado oil – nourishes the skin;
  5. string extract – accelerates cellular metabolism.

Used at the rehabilitation stage for 3rd-4th degree burns. Panthenol contained in the ointment prevents swelling and inflammatory reactions.

A topical treatment for thermal burns is available in the form of an ointment and a spray. Quickly heals injured tissue from boiling oil, steam or water. The medicine belongs to the category of reparatives that stimulate skin regeneration. Contains dexpanthenol, petroleum jelly, paraffin and other anti-inflammatory components.

Panthenol can be used for any burns (chemical, radiation, thermal, electrical) and has practically no restrictions.

Apply a thin layer at least 3 times a day for extensive burns. Rarely causes complications, therefore it is used in pediatrics and for the treatment of burn disease during pregnancy.

This cream for chemical burns on the face also contains dexpanthenol. Upon contact with affected areas, it turns into pantothenate (vitamin B5). Has a range of therapeutic properties:

  1. decongestants;
  2. wound healing;
  3. anti-inflammatory.

It is used to treat thermal and chemical wounds in adults and children up to one year old. It does not cause unwanted reactions, so it is prescribed even to newborns. It is also used to heal shallow abrasions and prevent skin cracking.

An ointment for healing skin after a burn contains a hemoderivative from the blood of calves. Improves tissue respiration, epithelization (regeneration) of tissues. It has antiphlogistic, healing and moderate analgesic properties. Stimulates collagen synthesis, increases the elasticity of damaged areas.

Actovegin is usually prescribed for sun and heat burns. They treat damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Apply for 3-5 days until the weeping wounds are completely healed.

An antiseptic helps to heal the epidermis in case of superficial burns. Has a range of medicinal properties:

  1. cleanses affected areas of dead cells;
  2. dries;
  3. softens fabrics;
  4. prevents the proliferation of pyogenic bacteria.

Apply externally up to 4 times a day. Apply openly or under a sterile dressing. The treatment period depends on the depth of the skin damage. It is undesirable to use zinc ointment for suppuration. Not prescribed for children under 12 years of age.

The universal anti-burn product contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components:

  1. xeroform;
  2. castor oil;
  3. Birch tar.

Like many other effective liniments, it is used to heal superficial 1st degree burns. It is applied at the stage of granulation of damaged areas, as it has local irritating properties. Stimulates blood circulation, accelerating cellular metabolism and epithelization.

Vishnevsky ointment is applied under an occlusive dressing at night. To prevent germs from entering the wound, soak a sterile bandage or gauze with the product.

A local preparation for burns with silver has analgesic, regenerative and antimicrobial properties. Additionally contains glycerin and petroleum jelly, which soften the skin and prevent it from cracking. Argosulfan is used to treat thermal and sunburns of 1-3 degrees in adults and children over 12 years of age.

The antiseptic is applied both to an open wound and under a sterile bandage. This ointment for silver burns is used no more than 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 25 g. The duration of local therapy should not exceed 8 weeks.

Disinfectant and antimicrobial ointment is used to prevent purulent inflammation in boiling water burns. The iodine contained in it destroys bacteria, protozoa, yeast-like fungi and viruses. It is also used to eliminate complications - purulent wounds, trophic ulcers.

Povidone-iodine is applied to areas of the skin that have been previously cleaned of dirt. Burns are treated no more than 2 times a day for 2 weeks. For children under one year of age it is prescribed only according to the indications of a dermatologist.

The combined product contains two active ingredients:

  1. miramistin is an antiseptic that inhibits the proliferation of viruses and pyogenic bacteria;
  2. Methyluracil is a reparator that improves skin nutrition, accelerates granulation and healing of damaged areas.

The ointment is used for chemical burns, trophic ulcers and photodermatoses. Prevents wound infection and accelerates epidermal recovery. Use no more than 1 time per day. It is applied to a dressing or wound and then covered with a sterile bandage. Due to the risk of allergic reactions, it is not used in pediatrics.

Antibacterial ointment that has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Used for enzymatic cleansing of burn wounds from purulent inclusions and dead cells. Contains an antibiotic (chloramphenicol), which destroys most pathogenic bacteria. Prevents infection and spread of pathogenic flora into surrounding tissues.

Iruksol is prescribed for 2nd or 3rd degree burns, frostbite, and gangrene. Lesions are treated no more than 2 times a day. It is recommended to apply a thin layer to an open wound. When scabs form, incisions are made to improve penetration of the product into the damaged skin.

An emollient, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent relieves itching and pain. Used for burn disease as part of combination therapy. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to a wound cleaned of dirt up to 2 times a day. For severe itching and peeling, use with an occlusive dressing. Before use, the lesions are treated with an antiseptic.

The gel for burns contains a hemoderivative of calf blood, which accelerates the epithelization of the skin. It is used to heal lacerations, ulcerative lesions, chemical, thermal and sunburns. Improves metabolism in the skin, which prevents the formation of scars.

Solcoseryl stimulates the regeneration of epithelial cells, prevents tissue degeneration and necrosis. Intended for outdoor use only. Apply a thin layer (the thickness of a knife blade) to a dry wound up to 2 times a day.

The combined external preparation contains 2 antibacterial components - neomycin and bacitracin. Prescribed for complicated burn disease:

  1. wound infection;
  2. purulent inflammation of burns;
  3. erosions on the skin.

Used by children and adults up to 4 times a day. Cools and soothes damaged tissues, reduces weeping. If the lesions occupy more than 20% of the body, Baneocin is used no more than 1 time per day. An overdose is fraught with hives, itching, skin rashes, and impaired kidney function.
The gel for burns contains a hemoderivative of calf blood, which accelerates the epithelization of the skin. It is used to heal lacerations, ulcerative lesions, chemical, thermal and sunburns. Improves metabolism in the skin, which prevents the formation of scars.

Solcoseryl stimulates the regeneration of epithelial cells, prevents tissue degeneration and necrosis. Intended for outdoor use only. Apply a thin layer (the thickness of a knife blade) to a dry wound up to 2 times a day.

What is prohibited to do

Complications from burn disease in 70% of cases are associated with improper first aid and further treatment. To prevent further injury to the skin or mucous membranes, it is prohibited:

  1. treat the wound with alcohol;
  2. apply animal fats;
  3. rub damaged skin;
  4. apply a tight bandage;
  5. pour iodine on burns;
  6. wash off the quicklime with water;
  7. puncture bubble formations;
  8. tear off pieces of clothing stuck to the wound.

It is not advisable to use several different ointments at once to treat wounds. This is fraught with allergic reactions. For chemical burns, it is strictly not recommended to use alternative medicine - sour cream, egg yolk, kefir, honey, grated potatoes, etc. Food creates conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and the formation of pus in the wound. For extensive injuries and deep burns, treatment is carried out to the hospital.