Хинестрадол (Quinestradol)

Quinestradol is a synthetic female sex hormone that is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the vagina, especially after menopause. This drug belongs to the class of estrogens - hormones that are produced in the ovaries and are necessary for maintaining the health of the female reproductive system.

Hinestradol is prescribed orally, usually in tablet form. Its trade name is Pentovis. This medication helps relieve symptoms of vaginal inflammation, such as itching, burning, and soreness. It may also help restore a woman's natural estrogen balance after menopause, which may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other diseases associated with estrogen deficiency.

There are usually no side effects from taking quinestradol, but some women may experience minor discomfort such as nausea, headache or weight changes. In rare cases, serious side effects such as blood clots, strokes or breast cancer may develop, so before you start taking quinestradol, you should consult your doctor and discuss all possible risks and benefits.

In general, quinestradol is an effective and safe drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina and restoration of the natural balance of estrogen in the body of women after menopause. However, as with any medicine, you must follow the directions for use and consult your doctor if any minor or serious side effects occur.

Hinestradol is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone, which is used in medicine to treat various diseases associated with hormonal imbalance. Like any other hormone, it plays an important role in regulating many processes in the body, including the development and function of the reproductive system.

Hinestradol was developed over

Quinestradol or Quinestradol is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen, which is used medically to treat inflammatory diseases of the vagina after menopause, such as vaginitis.

Hinestradol was developed in the 1950s and has since been widely used in gynecological practice. It has properties similar to estrogen, including increasing estrogen levels in the blood, increasing the thickness of the vaginal mucosa, and improving blood circulation in the genitals.

However, unlike estrogen, quinestradol has no side effects when taken. It does not cause hormonal imbalances, does not affect weight, and does not increase the risk of developing breast or endometrial cancer.

Psntovis or Pentovis is the trade name of the drug quinestradol, which is available in tablet form. It is usually taken 1 tablet once daily and may be prescribed by a doctor to treat vaginitis.

It is important to note that quinestradol may not be suitable for all women and should only be used as directed by a doctor. Before starting to take the drug, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination for contraindications.