
Transsexualism is a condition in which a person experiences a deep belief that he belongs to the opposite sex. The roots of this belief usually go back to childhood. In the treatment of children with such beliefs, they are encouraged to behave in accordance with their biological sex, making extensive use of psychotherapy.

In adults, this belief is more difficult to change, so in this case, surgical gender reassignment is often justified, allowing a person to be given an appearance that matches his inner sense of self.

Transsexual - a person suffering from transsexualism.

Transsexual - related to transsexualism.

Transsexualism: Understanding and Treatment

Transsexualism, also known as the transsexual condition, is a complex phenomenon that is characterized by a person's deep belief that their gender identity does not correspond to their biological sex. People suffering from transsexualism experience internal dysphoria caused by a discrepancy between their sense of self as a member of the opposite sex and the anatomical features of their birth sex.

The roots of beliefs associated with transsexualism usually go back to childhood, when children begin to understand their gender identity. For some children, this awareness may occur at a very early age. It is important to note that transsexualism is not a choice or a fashion, but rather an innate characteristic that can accompany a person throughout his life.

Treatment of transsexualism in children includes support and understanding from parents and others, as well as cooperation with a team of professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists and endocrinologists. An important aspect of treatment is to create a safe and supportive environment where the child can explore his or her true gender identity. For some children, this may include changing their hairstyle, clothing, or using predominantly opposite-sex toys and activities.

In adults, changing beliefs related to gender identity is much more difficult. In such cases, many people turn to psychotherapy to explore their feelings and experiences, as well as to process possible psychological problems associated with transsexualism. However, for some adults, gender reassignment surgery becomes necessary to create a match between their internal self-concept and their external appearance.

The process of gender reassignment surgery, known as genital reconstruction, is a complex and multi-step procedure that involves medical, psychological and legal aspects. Before deciding to undergo surgery, adults with transgender issues typically undergo a lengthy process of assessment and preparation, including psychotherapeutic support and advice from specialists in the field of transgender medicine.

It is important to note that gender reassignment surgery is not the only solution for all people suffering from transsexualism. Some people may choose to undergo other procedures, such as hormone therapy, to change their physical characteristics and move closer to their true gender identity. Ultimately, the decision to treat transsexualism should be based on each person's individual needs and desires.

However, it is important to note that access to quality medical treatment for transgender people may be limited in some areas of the world. Transsexual people often face discrimination, stigmatization and misunderstanding from society. This highlights the need to create a supportive and inclusive environment where transgender people can access appropriate health care and support.

Transsexualism is a complex condition that requires a sensitive and competent approach in the field of medicine and psychology. Greater understanding of transgender issues and increased awareness in society will help create a more inclusive and supportive environment for transgender people.

Transsexuality (or transgenderism) is a philosophical concept that refers to a person’s internal conflict between what gender others have taught him to be and who he perceives himself to be. The term is usually used in the singular. Transsexuals also call themselves gender non-conforming or gender dysphoric. Another name sometimes used for transgenicity is sex nonconformity.

History of transsexuality

A classic example of transsexual disorder is the story of Hannah Grass, who was born a boy and never experienced sexual attraction to women, but experienced strong sexual attraction to men. Before surgical treatment, she had sexual intercourse with both men and women. Another prime example is Herman J. Max "as a woman", who was raised gay as a man for reasons of financial stability by his parents. The woman with him was powerful and wealthy enough to prevent his conservative upbringing from developing his attraction to the opposite sex. As he grew up, he realized he was a woman and decided to seek surgery to become a transwoman.