
Surgery is a branch of medicine associated with the surgical treatment of injuries, various deformities or diseases.

Surgery involves performing operations to correct damage, disease, or defects in the body. The goal of surgery is to restore the normal anatomy and physiology of organs and tissues.

There are different types of surgical operations, for example:

  1. General surgery - operations on the abdominal organs, hernia repair, etc.

  2. Traumatology and orthopedics - operations on bones, joints, spine.

  3. Neurosurgery - operations on the brain and spinal cord.

  4. Cardiac surgery - operations on the heart and blood vessels.

  5. Plastic surgery - cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries.

Surgery is closely related to such areas as anesthesiology, resuscitation, and transplantology. Modern surgery actively uses advances in science and technology, such as lasers, robotics, etc.

Surgery is therefore a critical component of the healthcare system, allowing the effective treatment of many diseases and injuries.

Surgery is a branch of medicine that deals with the surgical treatment of various diseases, deformities and injuries. It is one of the oldest and most complex areas of medicine, which requires highly qualified and experienced surgeons.

Surgery includes a wide range of medical procedures that can be performed in both an operating room and under the required conditions. Surgical procedures may include repairing damaged tissue, removing tumors, organ transplants, and many other procedures necessary to keep the patient healthy and alive.

Surgery has many specializations such as cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, gynecological surgery and many others. Each of these specializations requires certain knowledge and experience from the surgeon.

One of the most important areas of surgery is anesthesiology - the science of painless operations. Modern methods of anesthesia allow surgeons to perform complex operations with high precision, minimal risk and the most comfortable way for the patient.

Surgery also uses the latest technologies and techniques such as cryosurgery and microsurgery. Cryosurgery uses extremely low temperatures to destroy tumors and other diseased tissue. Microsurgery allows surgeons to work with extremely small tissues and vessels, which opens up new possibilities for treating a number of diseases.

Surgical procedures require highly qualified and experienced surgeons. They may also be associated with a risk of complications and require careful preparation and postoperative care. However, thanks to modern technologies and methods, surgery is becoming more effective and safe for patients.

In conclusion, surgery is an important field of medicine that plays a key role in the treatment of various diseases and injuries. Surgical procedures require highly trained and experienced surgeons, as well as training and post-operative care. However, thanks to the latest technologies and methods, surgery continues to develop and find new ways to preserve the health and lives of patients.

Surgery is one of the most important branches of medicine and is associated with the surgical treatment of injuries, diseases and deformities. This branch of medicine became possible thanks to the development of technology and science.

Surgery became possible thanks to the discovery of anatomy, the study of the mechanisms of functioning of the body's organs and their relationships with each other. This has led to doctors being able to discover the most optimal methods for treating diseases.

The beginning of the development of surgery was associated with the discovery of a new form of medicinal substance - ether, which is used as an anesthetic. The physician Gaius Julius Caesar was the first to use ether anesthesia to preserve the lives of his patients and reduce suffering from the disease.

In 1628, the French surgeon Ambroise Pare performed the first eye surgery. In 1754, the German surgeon Ernst von Binet founded modern surgery. He was convinced that surgery should be based on common sense and experience rather than on guesswork and theory. This became the basis of his concept of surgery, which expanded its boundaries and made the world more accessible to healing.

Medical surgery has developed as a science since the discovery of universal health. This was a period when doctors learned more about the structure of the human body and its functioning. With the development of new technologies, scientists have learned to better identify and eliminate diseases.