Inflammation and irritation of the eye

There is true inflammation of the eye and only something similar to it, called irritation and redness. Redness is heat and moisture, and it occurs from external causes that irritate the eye and cause redness, such as the rays of the sun, a burning headache, a burning one-day fever, dust, smoke and sometimes cooling, because it tightens the eye; as well as from blows that cause swelling, and stormy winds that blow into the eyes. All these are slight effects, closely related to the cause, and they do not last long after the cause has been eliminated. This must be kept in mind so as not to treat in vain, because the consequences will eventually go away on their own after the causes disappear. In Greek this suffering is called taraxis.

If some other bodily or external cause reinforces the first external cause, then it is possible that the redness will quickly turn into obvious true inflammation, as, . let's say one-day fever turns into other types of fever. When the redness turns into true inflammation and is in the initial stages of transformation, it is called aquikama in Greek.

The types of inflammation of the eye include the one that follows trachoma, and its cause is a scratch in the eye; in the initial stage it occurs as irritation. Its cure is achieved only after scraping off the trachoma. Inflammation of the eye is generally an inflammation of the connective membrane. This includes a type that is only simple inflammation, not going beyond swelling of blood vessels, lacrimation and pain. There is another type of inflammation. It is very strong, spreads extremely, and the white rises above the pupil, covers it and prevents the eyelids from closing. This inflammation is called chemosis, and in our country it is called vardinage. Very often it happens in children due to the abundance of matter in them and weakness of the eyes. Inflammation of the eye occurs not only from hot matter, but also from mucous membranes and black gall. Since real inflammation of the eye is rather an inflammation of the connective membrane, and all inflammation occurs either from blood, or from bile, or from mucus, or from black bile, or from wind, then inflammation of the eye is associated with one of these causes. Sometimes the inflammatory juice arises in the eye itself, and sometimes it reaches the eye from the brain in the form of catarrh along the path of the outer membrane covering the head, or along the path of the inner membrane and mainly from the brain and its regions, for if a lot of matter accumulates in the brain and has the place is overfilled, then the eye is prone to inflammation, since it is not very strong. Sometimes these are arteries, whether external or internal, that pour out their excess into the eye, if any accumulate in them. Sometimes matter penetrates into the eye not from some area of ​​the brain or head, but from some part of other organs, especially if a disorder of nature has occurred in the eye, it is weakened and prone to diseases. In this case, it is precisely the eye where the excess is poured out.

There is another type of inflammation of the eye, which has periods and attacks, that is, periods of outpouring of matter and periods of time of its formation. The severity of pain during inflammation of the eye depends either on the burning juice, which corrodes the membranes, or on the abundance of juice, which stretches them, or on thick steam. According to the variety of causes there is a variety of pain. Matters that cause inflammation of the eye, as you know, come either from the body in general, or from the head in particular, or from the vessels that conduct bad matter, hot and cold, to the eye, and sometimes the bad juices are in the eye itself, and it is then , when the membranes of the eye are subject to a disorder of nature due to the juice retained in them or due to long-term inflammation, and everything that is supplied to the eye as nutrition is subject to spoilage. One who has bulging eyes is more prone to severe inflammation and protrusion of the eyes due to the moisture of the eyes themselves and the enlargement of the pores. In some types of inflammation of the eye, predominantly cold tears appear due to lack of digestion; Often eye inflammation resolves with natural diarrhea.

Know that the malignancy of inflammation of the eye depends on the properties of the matter, and the strength of the inflammation depends on the amount of matter. Know also that in southern countries inflammation of the eye occurs frequently and disappears quickly. That it happens often is a consequence of the flow of bad juices and the abundance of their vapors. As for the rapid cure of inflammation in people, this happens due to the porosity of their members and the tendency to diarrhea. When people are exposed to cold, inflammation of the eye becomes painful due to the introduction of external causes that impede and delay the flow of juices that cause inflammation. As for cold countries, the number of eye inflammations there is less, but they are painful. The rarity of cases of inflammation of the eyes there is a consequence of the dormant state of the juices and their frozen spine. As for their burden, it comes from the fact that inflammatory juices, when they are present in the organ, do not quickly dissolve due to the compaction of the channels; the juices expand very strongly until the membrane of the eye ruptures. When the northern winter passes and is followed by a southern spring with heavy rains and a long summer, the number of eye inflammations increases. In the same way, a warm and southern winter fills the body with juices, and if it is followed by a northern spring, then it causes retention of juices. And the northern summer increases eye inflammation, especially after the southern winter. Sometimes eye inflammation becomes more frequent in the summer, if the spring was southern and the winter was dry and northern. Compare hard bodies with northern countries, and soft, loose bodies with southern countries. Just as hot countries cause inflammation of the eyes, so a very hot bath, when a person uses it, without a doubt, also causes inflammation of the eye.

Know also that if there is inflammation of the eye and its disorder persists for a long time despite correct treatment and perfect cleansing, then the cause in this case is matter that is retained in the eye and spoils the nutrition supplied to it, and there is catarrh of the brain and head, as we do explained above.

Signs of inflammation and irritation of the eye. Know that the pain that occurs in the eyes is either burning, gnawing, or pulling. Burning pain means damage to the properties of matter and its sharpness, and pulling indicates a large amount of matter and the winds. The inflammation of the eye that occurs most quickly is the one in which the lacrimation is greater and the burning sensation is more acute. And the dryest inflammation occurs the slowest. The discharge of pus from the eye is a sure sign of maturity or thickening of the matter, for the discharge that occurs quickly with other mild signs, except for the heaviness of the eye, indicates the density of the matter. And that suppuration that accompanies maturity and was initially associated with the lightness of the eye for a short time and which quickly dissolves is the most benign. Suppuration, the grains of which are small, to a lesser extent indicates the good condition of the eye: the smallness of the grains indicates slow maturation. When the eyelids begin to stick together, it is close to maturity. As long as the watery discharge continues, it indicates the initial stage.

Let us further note that irritation is recognized by the insignificance of it and its cause and by the externally manifested inflammation. And inflammation of the eye, associated with the head, is recognized by pain and heaviness in the head. If the path of matter flow from the brain to the eye passes through the outer membranes of the head, then the forehead is tense, the external blood vessels are very full, the swelling extends to the eyelids, and redness and pulsation are noticed on the forehead. If the influx occurs through the inner membranes, then nothing of the kind is observed, but sneezing and itching on the palate and nose occur. If the inflammation of the eye is associated with the stomach, then the person feels sick and sick. Signs of this are bad juices in the stomach.

Inflammation of the eye resulting from blood is indicated by the color of the eye, swelling of the blood vessels, beating in the temples and other signs of blood in the brain area and that the eye does not tear too much, secretes pus and the eyelids stick together during sleep. Inflammation resulting from bile is recognized by severe stabbing, burning and very hot pain, slight redness and liquid and hot tears. Sometimes this leads to ulceration. Sometimes there are no tears, as with blood inflammation, and the eye does not stick together during sleep. This type also includes erysipelas, which occurs on the eye, and it belongs to bad ulcers. Sometimes it burns the eye and destroys it, causing a mobile and intermittent ulcer. There is also a type of bilious inflammation of the eye, causing itching and drying, with slight redness and slight suppuration. At the same time, neither inflammation nor lacrimation manifests itself so strongly as to be taken into account. This inflammation is caused by meager but acute matter.

As for the inflammation that occurs from mucus, it is characterized by severe severity, slight heat and slight redness. With it, the white color rather predominates, there is a discharge of pus and sticking of the eyelids during sleep and swelling occurs. The color of the face contributes to this inflammation. If the inflammation comes from the stomach, it is accompanied by nausea. Mucous inflammation of the eye often leads to the fact that the connective membrane, due to severe swelling, protrudes above the blackness. However, there is no clearly defined redness and there is no lacrimation, but there is discharge of pus. Black gall inflammation is recognized by its severity, dullness of color, dryness, its duration and slight clumping. With inflammation of the eyes caused by winds, there is only tension without heaviness and tearing. But it happens that tension causes redness of the eye.

Treatment of irritation. When treating eye irritation and diseases that are similar to it, such as mild inflammation of the eye, it is often enough to eliminate the cause. If the cause has a contributing factor, such as congestion with blood or something else, then it is treated with additional emptying. At times it is enough to keep the eye still or drip it with milk, smear it with egg white and the like. If eye irritation is caused by a blow, you need to put warm pigeon blood taken from under the wing, or the blood of another animal, or the blood of the patient himself, into the eye. Often it is enough to make a lotion by eye using a sponge or wool dipped in rose oil or lentil decoction, or strain warm human milk from the breast by eye. If this does not help, you need to use fenugreek decoction or white eye ointment.

As for irritation caused by cold, a bath helps with it, if there is no true inflammation and swelling and the head and body do not suffer from overflow. A lotion of chamomile decoction and light wine taken three hours after meals also help. Long sleep after drinking wine also belongs to the treatment, regardless of whether the cause of irritation is the sun, cold or anything else.

For mild eye inflammation caused by trachoma, you must first scrape off the trachoma and then treat the inflammation. It often goes away on its own after scraping off the trachoma. If the inflammation of the eye is so severe that it does not allow scraping, then gentle, softening and cleansing agents should be used so that the inflammation of the eye can be treated and can allow scraping.