Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

Hypotonic disease - These are health abnormalities associated with low blood pressure. The disease is manifested by increased fatigue, decreased performance, especially in hot weather, headaches, unpleasant feelings and sensations in the heart area and other symptoms of cardiovascular neurosis. Once a diagnosis has been established: chronic arterial hypotension, treatment with folk remedies, in combination with massage, diet and regular strength physical activity, is one of the most effective and harmless methods of treatment.

The most common causes of hypotension are sedentary lifestyle, insufficient communication with nature, the habit of dressing too warmly - all this reduces the tone of the nervous system and the entire body.

Arterial hypotension treatment with folk remedies

Effective means of treatment and prevention hypotension are bathing and swimming procedures in cool and even cold water, as well as cold and contrast showers, in winter - skiing and skating, in summer - rowing, cycling, weekend country tourism, various works with a scythe, shovel, rake on your site or in field. All year round - recreational gymnastics, sports jogging, self-massage, auto-training, walks in nature. Daily walking at an accelerated pace (at least 15 thousand steps per day) is useful. Knowledge workers who do not engage in sports need to perform gymnastic exercises 2-3 times a day:

  1. I) in the morning,
  2. II) before lunch
  3. and III) before dinner - 2 hours before bedtime.

A variety of movements are used, of which the most effective are:

  1. jumps,
  2. push-ups from a chair or floor,
  3. isometric exercises in the form, for example, of strongly pressing the knees and palms together, trying to break the “lock”, raising the legs to a slope of 45° from a lying position, as well as resting on a stool, lifting on hands in a sitting position, “pushing away” with force hands of the doorway and others.

For dizziness, headaches associated with hypotension and cerebral vascular spasms, segmental self-massage is performed in the form of deep stroking of the head, pressing with your fingertips on the crown, back of the head and neck, pressing firmly above the occipital fossa and in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle.

Helps well and acupressure. To do this, press on a point in the crown area at the intersection of the lines connecting the openings of the ears, as well as on a point located at a distance of the diameter of the thumb outward and downward from the end of the eyebrows, and on points located 2 cm to the sides from the fossa under occipital protuberance.

Necessary and self-massage the top of the auricle by squeezing it with your index finger and thumb. But the points located between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic, as well as in the area of ​​the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, are more difficult to massage without an assistant, but it is possible. The next point for self-massage is very convenient; it is located 4 cm above the fold of the wrist joint on the palm side. Another point is also accessible - this is the dimple in the convergence of the thumb and index finger on the back side. Another point for self-massage is located 6 cm below the so-called lower outer edge of the patella. Usually 6-8 massage movements are done.

Effective natural remedies for hypotension

To raise the tone of the body, folk biostimulants of plant origin are also used. For hypotension, herbal tinctures and decoctions are recommended:

  1. ginseng,
  2. eleutherococcus,
  3. Leuzea,
  4. Aralia Manchurian,
  5. lemongrass,
  6. small periwinkle,
  7. hawthorn,
  8. medicinal beech,
  9. Echinops,
  10. sedum,
  11. tansy,
  12. motherwort,
  13. yarrow.

I would especially like to say about dandelion - a popular edible plant that shown and with hypotension. Good for food all its parts.

Leaves soak in slightly salted water in advance to remove bitterness (half an hour is enough for this), then add to salads, soups, and for pickling. However, bitterness does not bother everyone. In Goethe's favorite dish, for example, which included the leaves of this plant, it was used without soaking.

Flower buds Suitable for roasts, first courses, and for marinade. Fully opened flowers are the most valuable preparation for obtaining flower pollen, which has high healing properties. A layer of flowers is covered with a layer of granulated sugar, then a layer of one and the other is placed again. This layered “cake” is placed under a press for a week or two. And the healthiest folk dish is ready!

And here plant roots, dug up in April and November, are best used to prepare a drink that tastes like coffee. To do this, well-washed roots are cut thinner (then you can do without a coffee grinder), dried and lightly fried until light browning in the oven or on the stove. Then take a teaspoon of the mixture and pour one and a half glasses of water, boil for 5 minutes, add baked or powdered milk, cream, sugar to taste - and the “coffee” is ready. This “coffee” can even be consumed at night, as it does not interfere with falling asleep.

Dandelion roots, like its leaves and flowers, have a whole a bouquet of healing properties: improve liver function, promote bile secretion, and prevent cirrhosis of this organ. Daily intake of dandelion decoction and tincture stimulates the secretion of much-needed gastric juice; and also improves digestion for gastritis with low acidity and colitis, reduces spasms of the intestines, stomach and blood vessels; increases and improves the body's metabolic processes, flushes out toxins from it...

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