Basic principles of rational nutrition for athletes

For those involved in athletics nutrition is rightfully the same an important factoras well as the training method. If there is a lack of protein in food, muscle mass and strength do not increase.

It is known that nutrition should compensate for your daily energy consumption with a balance of 1) proteins, 2) fats and 3) carbohydrates in ratios - 1:0, 8:4. Fats and carbohydrates are actually fundamental sources of energy.

In this case, carbohydrates must consist of:

  1. I) 65% starch
  2. II) and 35% from simple sugars,

...and fats enter the body:

  1. I) 65-70% due to animal fats
  2. II) and 30-35% - plant.

Important in the nutrition of a person involved in the development of strength are squirrels, used by the body as a building material for the continuous renewal of structural tissue proteins, as well as enzyme proteins. About 60% of the daily diet should be complete proteins animal origin. There are many of them in meat, liver, milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, and fish.

The body functions normally if there are enough minerals in the diet:

  1. I) phosphorus - 1.5-2.5 g,
  2. II) calcium - 1-1.75 g,
  3. III) iron - 20 mg,
  4. IV)  magnesium – 0.8 g.

In the spring-winter period, especially during periods of intense training, the so-calledvitamin deficiency, which can lead to decreased performance and inhibition of recovery processes, apathy. In this case, we can recommend the use of vitamin preparations “Undevit” or “Dekamevit” in prophylactic doses. For the same purpose (as well as to compensate for mineral deficiency), consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

The general provisions that are stated above are commonly known as principles of rational nutrition. However, we have to face the fact that it is not possible to control the athletes’ diet either quantitatively or qualitatively.

The main criterion for assessing the correctness of the diet can be weight engaged. The measurement should be carried out in the same form before and after each workout, for which it is advisable to have floor scales in the general physical training room. Proper strength training and a balanced diet should lead to an increase in muscle mass and the preservation or reduction of the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer.

I = (Bench Press Result + Deadlift Result) / Weight

If the index is constantly increasing, you are fine. If it remains unchanged for a long time or decreases, this indicates an imbalance or insufficient energy capacity of the diet, and possibly an inadequacy of physical activity to the athlete’s capabilities. So, if the weight increases, but the index decreases or remains unchanged, weight is gained mainly due to the “inactive components of body weight” - fat and connective tissue. In this case, it is useful to increase the energy intensity of the training, increase its intensity, and if this is not possible due to poor preparedness of the student or for other reasons, try to reduce the energy intensity of the diet, primarily by limiting the intake of fat. The index should be calculated and recorded weekly diary.

Options for the weight-strength index can be:
  1. I = (Bench Press Result + Squat Result) / Weight
  2. I = (Bench Press Result + Squat Result + Bench Deadlift Result) / Weight
  3. I = (Bench Press Result + Squat Result + Max Pull-Up Result) / Weight

For a more visual representation of the data and indices obtained as a result of measurements, it is useful to keep schedule, where the abscissa axis marks the days of calculation of the indices, and the ordinate axis marks the values ​​of the index, weight and strength indicators.

Some practical tips for dietary adjustments. Usually problems with it arise in two categories of students, the first of which suffers obese, second - exhaustion. Let's start with the second one.

Features of training and nutrition when gaining weight

Strength loads should be given to this group with extreme caution, since a sharp increase in energy expenditure can lead to a deterioration in their general condition. If there are no chronic diseases for which strength training is prohibited (medical examination should be completed 2 times a year at a physical education clinic), this category of students can continue to use the developed strength training methodology. However, special attention must be paid to nutritional issues. It is necessary to purposefully and persistently convince such athletes to eat more and better (often they have a decreased appetite, there is a negative food attitude). It can be recommended to include in the daily diet “Enpit protein”, intended for dietary nutrition of children and adults and containing 44% protein, 13% fat, 31.7% carbohydrates, as well as minerals and vitamins per 100 g. "Enpit protein" contains 400 g of dry matter in one pack. The course of treatment may consist of 16 days (1 pack for 4 days). Repeated - prescribed as needed, focusing on the body's reaction.

When working with people suffering from obesity, they strive to reduce the fat components of body weight. This group can train fully and without restrictions. On non-training days, it is useful to include long-term, low-intensity exercise (slow running, free swimming, skiing, etc.). Of course, you should try to adjust your diet, reducing the total volume and calorie content, as well as the fat and carbohydrate components. To muffle the natural feeling of hunger, you need to eat more vegetables that have low calorie content per unit volume. In general, working with this category of people requires great persistence and consistency.

Rational nutrition for weight loss for women:

In athletic gymnastics for women, aimed at reducing weight and body, nutrition has its own specific feature. You should strive to eat no more food than before starting classes. Although this task is much more difficult for women than for men, since the former are better able to adapt to changes in the external environment.

A woman trying to lose weight through strength training has a hard time resisting the tempting addition of food. As a result, it is important from the very first lessons to set yourself up for a mental fight against “hunger”, otherwise the desired success will not be achieved.

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