History of Newborn Development

The newborn development history (NDH) is an important accounting and operational document that is filled out for each child in the maternity hospital. It is intended to record data on the child’s physical development, his state of health and the treatment and prevention measures taken.

The developmental history of a newborn begins from the moment of his birth. In the first minutes of a child’s life, an assessment of his condition is carried out, including an assessment of the cardiovascular system, respiration, muscle tone, reflex activity and other indicators. These data are entered into the IRN and serve as a starting point for further monitoring of the child’s development.

During the first day of a child's life, regular examinations are carried out, including measurement of body temperature, heart rate and respiration, as well as assessment of the skin and mucous membranes. Daily diuresis and stool output are also assessed, which allows monitoring the functioning of the urinary and intestinal systems.

In the future, the IRN is filled out on a regular basis during the first months of the child’s life. It reflects data on the child's physical development, including body weight, length and head circumference, as well as an assessment of various reflexes and muscle tone.

One of the important indicators reflected in the IRN is the child’s health status. The IRN reflects all treatment and prevention measures taken, including vaccinations performed and treatment of possible diseases.

IRN is an important document for monitoring the development and health of a newborn. It allows you to timely detect possible developmental deviations and take measures to correct them. In addition, the IRN can serve as a source of information for parents who can familiarize themselves with data on the development of their child and receive recommendations for caring for him.

The developmental history of a newborn is a unique process that begins from the moment the child is born and continues throughout his life. In this context, “development” refers to changes in the physical, emotional and social characteristics of the newborn, as well as its relationship to the environment.

One of the first documents related to the development of newborns,