
A resectocystoscope (from Latin resectio - cutting off and Greek kystis - bladder + skopeo - look, observe) is an endoscopic surgical instrument used for visual inspection of the bladder and performing surgical interventions in its cavity.

A resectocystoscope consists of a rigid metal tube with a lens system and a light source. The resectocystoscope is inserted through the urethra, after which the doctor can examine the bladder mucosa in detail, identify pathological changes and, if necessary, take a biopsy for histological examination.

A resectocystoscope is also used to perform various surgical procedures, for example, electrical resection of bladder tumors, removal of foreign bodies, and coagulation of bleeding vessels. For this purpose, the resectocystoscope is equipped with a special cutting instrument, loop or electrode.

Resectocystoscopy is an important method for diagnosing and treating bladder diseases. Correct use of a resectocystoscope allows for timely recognition of pathology and effective surgical intervention.

Resectocystoscopy is a method for diagnosing and treating diseases of the bladder and urethra, which allows surgical interventions on these organs. This method was developed in the 1950s and has since been widely used throughout the world.

Resectocystoscopy is performed using a special instrument - a resectocystoscope. It consists of a flexible tube at the end of which there is a camera and surgical instruments. A resectocystoscope is inserted into the bladder through the urethra and allows the doctor to examine the inside of the bladder and identify any pathological changes.

One of the main advantages of resectocystoscopy is its accuracy. It allows you to detect even small changes in the mucous membrane of the bladder, which may not be visible during a routine examination. In addition, resectocystoscopy allows for various surgical interventions, such as removal of polyps, removal of bladder stones and other procedures.

However, like any other diagnostic or treatment method, resectocystoscopy has its limitations. For example, it may be painful for the patient, especially if performed without anesthesia. Also, resectocystoscopy may cause complications such as bleeding or infection.

In general, resectocystoscopy is an important method for diagnosing and treating bladder diseases. It allows you to identify and treat various diseases in the early stages, which significantly improves the prognosis for the patient.