
Country of origin: Egypt

Pharm-Group: restorative dietary supplement

Manufacturers: Sediko (Egypt)

International name: E-Roy

Ingredients: 1 capsule contains: natural royal jelly - 1000 mg, beta-carotene - 2500 IU, wheat germ oil - 500 mg, garlic powder - 100 mg.

Indications for use: For the prevention and additional therapy of coronary heart disease, polyarthritis, diabetes, liver dysfunction, malignant neoplasms; to prevent and slow down the aging process of the body; with a decrease in physical and mental performance; to increase the effectiveness of sports; during the rehabilitation period, during fatigue and exhaustion.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, Addison's disease, age under 12 years.

Side effect: No data.

Interaction: No data available.

Overdose: No data available.

Special instructions: No data available.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines, 2003.