Holdina Gastric Resection

Holdina gastrectomy

Holdin resection is an operation in which half is removed first, closer to the intestine, then the stomach is turned over and the second half is removed, i.e. the operation consists of two parts. At the same time, the gallbladder is also removed. This is done in the case of stomach cancer and Dieulafasti ulcer.

During this operation, an adhesive process develops between the food of the stomach and its acidic stomach acid. (Ref. B. S. Votchala “Fundamentals of Surgical Practice”, p. 250). Therefore, there is a need to create an artificial valve that reverses the movement of acid, preventing the formation of adhesions. In order to determine the location of the exit of the gastric ducts, a pharyngeal sensor is examined using a special ampoule - a dark-colored liquid is injected inside the esophagus and its exit into the stomach is determined by probing and X-ray examination.

Before the operation, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the pharynx for the presence of pathogens of infectious diseases, so as not to provoke complications before the operation. The study will show more accurately the possible indications for this operation.