Antihelix (Antihelix, Anthelix)

Antihelix (Antihelix, Anthelix): Elevation on the inside of the auricle, parallel to the helix

The appearance of the pinna is one of the most unique and varied features of the human face. One of the characteristic features of the auricle is the antihelix, also known as antihelix or anthelix (Antihelix, Anthelix). The antihelix is ​​a projection on the inside of the ear, parallel to the helix.

The antihelix is ​​an important anatomical element of the auricle and plays a role in shaping its overall appearance. It creates additional contours and curves that give the ear personality and character. Each person's antihelix has its own unique shape and severity, which makes it one of the main elements for personal identification.

The antihelix is ​​formed as a result of a complex process of embryonic development. The internal structure of the auricle is formed from cartilaginous elements that undergo various folds and bends. The antihelix results from the formation of two main cartilaginous ridges known as the ridge and the antiridge. The ridge is more pronounced and is located closer to the center of the ear, while the antiridge is located outside and serves as the basis for the formation of the antihelix.

It is interesting to note that the shape and severity of the antihelix can vary from person to person. In some people, the antihelix may be pronounced and have clear contours, while in others it may be less pronounced or almost absent. This variability is the result of genetic factors and the individual characteristics of each person.

The antihelix is ​​also an object of interest for plastic surgery. Some people may experience body dysmorphic disorder or dissatisfaction with their appearance, including the shape and severity of the antihelix. In such cases, plastic surgeons may offer procedures designed to reshape and contour the antihelix to achieve the desired appearance.

In conclusion, the antihelix (Antihelix, Anthelix) is a prominence on the inside of the auricle, parallel to the helix. It gives the ear uniqueness and character, and its shape and expression can vary from person to person. Regardless of individual characteristics, the antihelix is ​​an important element in the study of the anatomy and aesthetics of the auricle. Understanding its structure and variations is important not only for medical specialists, but also for people interested in the external beauty and uniqueness of their species.

The antihelix is ​​a protuberance on the inside of the auricle that is parallel to the helix.

The antihelix separates the front part of the ear, called the cartilage, from the back part, called the lobe. It forms grooves - fossa triangularis and fossa scaphoidea. These grooves create the characteristic shape of the ear cup.

The antihelix starts from the top of the concha, runs parallel to the helix and ends opposite the earlobe. Sometimes the antihelix can be forked.

The shape and size of the antihelix varies from person to person. The irregularities and bends of the antihelix create a unique pattern of the auricle, which is individual for each person. The study of the shape of the antihelix is ​​used in forensic science for personal identification.

Thus, the antihelix is ​​one of the key anatomical structures of the auricle, forming its characteristic shape.

The antihelix is ​​a prominence on the inside of the auricle that is parallel to the helix. It is an important part of the anatomy of the ear and plays an important role in sound perception and sound transmission.

The antihelix is ​​an extension of the bone that forms the helix. It is located below and parallel to the helix and consists of cartilage. The antihelix plays an important role in transmitting sound from the outer ear to the inner ear through the auditory tube.

In some cases, for example, if the helix is ​​damaged or deformed, the antihelix may become more noticeable. This can lead to hearing loss and difficulty perceiving sounds. Therefore, if you notice that the antihelix has become more pronounced, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In addition, the antihelix is ​​part of the ear's immune system. It contains lymphoid cells that are involved in protecting the ear from infections and other harmful influences.