Cholecystitis Phlegmonous

“Cholecysto-phlegmon” – damage to the gallbladder with the development of severe phlegmon and abscess. This diagnosis is made in acute inflammation of the gallbladder, developing against the background of an advanced form of cholecystitis or a chronic form, when reactive organ damage develops. The disease usually begins with acute damage to the bile ducts, so the pathological phenomenon is called cholangitis. Accompanied by vivid symptoms: severe intoxication, indigestion, sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, high fever. The pain spreads to the right clavicle, epigastric region, epigastric bone, right arm. During an attack, the patient experiences green vomiting with food and intestinal contents. Bile is found in the vomit. Diagnosis is based on the results of a blood test and ultrasound of the organ. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, antispasmodics and antipyretics.