
Cholecystocholangitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

This disease is characterized by simultaneous damage to the gallbladder (cholecystitis) and bile ducts (cholangitis). This causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

The main causes of cholecystocholangitis include:

  1. Stagnation of bile due to a violation of its outflow (for example, with cholelithiasis)

  2. Infectious agents (most often Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci)

  3. Biliary tract injury

  4. Tumor lesion of the ducts

Clinical manifestations of cholecystocholangitis:

  1. Pain in the right hypochondrium, worsening with deep inspiration

  2. Fever

  3. Jaundice

  4. Nausea and vomiting

Diagnosis is based on analysis of the clinical picture, laboratory data and instrumental methods (ultrasound, MRI, endoscopy).

Treatment of cholecystocholangitis includes antibacterial therapy, drainage of the biliary tract, and correction of bile flow disorders. If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgery may be required.

The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable. However, the disease is prone to relapse and become chronic.

Cholecysticholangitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Cholangeocholitis is a chronic disease in which there is inflammation of the gallbladder tissue caused by a bacterial infection. In addition, the internal walls of the bile duct and the walls of the liver vessels are affected. Such inflammation is called calculous cholecystitis.

Signs of cholecystitis Cholecystcholangitis The symptoms are similar to the signs of other liver diseases, but there are differences: Pain in the right side - a girdle, constant, stabbing, aching pain that disturbs a person not only in the area of ​​the organ, but also in the adjacent areas. An acute attack, when all the symptoms become acute, lasts up to 1 day, manifesting itself in the form of strong contractions. Gradually the symptoms become less intense. Hepatic colic with cholecystholate is a stabbing pain that occurs with a frequency of 5-6 minutes. Symbolizes the affected biliary tree. Body temperature rarely rises, often to subfebrile levels. There is yellowing of the skin, sclera of the eyes, dark urine with sediment, the release of large amounts of bile with nausea and vomiting.