Cold tumors and similar diseases

Cold juices in the body and what is similar to them are mucus, black bile and wind, as well as their combinations, the varieties of which are already known to you, and, therefore, cold tumors are either mucous tumors, or black bile, or wind, or complex . Mucous tumors are either purely mucous, in which case they are called loose tumors, or watery, as happens when water accumulates in an organ, giving rise to something like a special dropsy, or they are ulcers - soft, for example, soft bumps, or dense, for example, pigs, or hard cones. Black gall tumors are either scirrhus or cancer - you will soon find out what the difference is between them - and wind tumors are either an edema or a bubble. Edema is formed when the winds spread and mix with juices and vapors, and a bubble is formed when the winds collect and concentrate in one space. Sometimes such tumors are combined with one another or with hot tumors.